FAT cats at near-busted Barclays Bank face an angry customer backlash as they prepare to sit down to a lavish dinner.
With Britain now officially in recession, bosses at the bank's wealth management arm will fly in from around the world to sit down to a 4-course dinner with pounds 30-a-bottle vintage wines.
NEWCASTLE chairman Chris Mort has told manager Kevin Keegan they will
sit down to discuss cash once Premier League safety is assured.
IN BRIEF: Newcastle board's safety-first stance
By the end of a day, even determined readers have little energy left to
sit down to read.
Listen up: fans are demanding audiobooks faster than the industry can record them, and prices are coming down
Now operators can
sit down to carry out their work instead of ducking in and out of the thousands of cars built at the Wearside plant every week.
Sitting comfortably
Who was ever worthy to
sit down to dinner with Jesus when he walked among us?
Eat, drink, and be holy: it's not what you eat that counts but with whom you eat it, says Jesus, who had some pretty remarkable eating habits himself. (testaments)
When you sit down to write anything about your camp, think about the power of the stop sign.
The good news: When you sit down to create your message, you start with an absolutely blank page.
Attention, Please!
In many ways a firm identity piece, whether it is a map or a brochure, should be regarded as a type of "bigger, better and more expensive business card." Even if a prospective client doesn't
sit down to read each line of the brochure - and most of them won't - the appearance of the brochure including such particulars as the weight and texture of the paper will set the tone for the manner in which he will regard the firm from that point forward.
Marketing as a stepping stone to the future
If the whole thing sounds a bit like all the players
sit down to carve up the pie, that's true.
Cutting costs, not care; Rochester hospitals try cooperation instead of competition
Dinner hour, and I sit down to the table with my wife and three small children, ready to talk turkey.
Simple, powerful, poignant, the sign of the cross is a mnemonic device like the Mass, in which we sit down to table with each other and remember the Last Supper, or a Baptism, where we remember John the Baptist's brawny arm pouring some of the Jordan River over Christ.
Sign language
When we
sit down to write a letter, we are trying to reach out to someone who is absent from us -- someone we can't see, hear, or touch.
Keep those cards and letters coming