cock and bull story

cock-and-bull story

A wildly exaggerated or falsified story or explanation. When I questioned Wendy about her recent tardiness, she gave me some cock-and-bull story about how her train took the wrong track and she had to hitchhike to work from the station across town.
See also: story
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

cock and bull story

An unbelievable tale that is intended to deceive; a tall tale. For example, Jack told us some cock and bull story about getting lost. This expression may come from a folk tale involving these two animals, or from the name of an English inn where travelers told such tales. W.S. Gilbert used it in The Yeomen of the Guard (1888), where Jack Point and Wilfred the Jailer make up a story about the hero's fictitious death: "Tell a tale of cock and bull, Of convincing detail full." [c. 1600]
See also: and, bull, cock, story
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

a cock-and-bull story

a ridiculous and implausible story.
The expression ‘talk of a cock and a bull’ is recorded from the early 17th century, and apparently refers to an original story or fable which is now lost.
See also: story
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

cock and bull story

A far-fetched tale, intended to deceive. This term dates from approximately 1600, but its origin is obscure. Some say it refers to the name of an English coaching inn, a wayside stop for travelers where such tales were often spun. Others believe it alludes to a fable or folktale about a cock and a bull. By the eighteenth century the term meant a tall tale.
See also: and, bull, cock, story
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • a cock and bull story
  • a cock-and-bull story
  • cock-and-bull story
  • story
  • tale never loses in the telling
  • a tale never loses in the telling
  • a sting in the tail
  • sting in the tail
  • bedtime
  • bedtime story
References in periodicals archive
Judge Peter Heywood said: "I previously made strong comments about this cock and bull story which was being presented to the court - which he now accepts was false."
Two-hander road movie is powered by the impressionistic skills of comedians Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon (reuniting after Winterbottom's "Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story"), and it is at the risk of putting a fish knife through its heart--a comedy for smart people.
Michael Winterbottom's A COCK AND BULL STORY (pounds 19.99) is the story of an 18th century movie within a movie.
A Cock and Bull Story (Cert 15, 90 min, Lionsgate Home Entertainment, Comedy, also DVD pounds 19.99)
BEST BRITISH FILM A Cock and Bull Story The Constant Gardener Festival Pride and Prejudice Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were Rabbit
THE STORY Loosely based on Laurence Sterne's famously unreadable classic novel - The Life And Opinions Of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - A Cock And Bull Story is actually a satire about the film business.
Other courses include a look at the social history of English pubs and drinking in the Demon Drink, and the significance of pub signs in a Cock and Bull Story.
But the Welsh Government has hit back in similar vein, accusing Mr Davies of telling a "cock and bull story".
MARTIN McGuinness yesterday said claims he ordered an IRA bombing were a "cock and bull story".
Two decades on, this is a colourful, 101-minute biopic of a significant chunk of his life, with Steve Coogan reuniting with director Michael Winterbottom after previous collaborations 24 Hour Party People, A Cock and Bull Story and The Trip series on TV.
But prosecutor Alistair MacDonald QC, accused Streener of telling a pack of lies and making up a "cock and bull story" to get out of what he did.
THE Trip is a new series starring Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon and directed by Michael Winterbottom, the acclaimed film-maker behind the likes of A Cock and Bull Story, 24 Hour Party People and A Mighty Heart.
It's a new series starring Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon, right, and directed by Michael Winterbottom, the acclaimed film-maker behind the likes of A Cock and Bull Story, 24 Hour Party People and A Might Heart.
In return for the new technology, cinemas will show more specialised, non-blockbuster films, such as lower budget British films like A Cock and Bull Story, the critically acclaimed Good Night, And Good Luck and classics including Brief Encounter.
Frank, whose film scripts include 24 Hour Party People, Weclome to Sarajevo and A Cock and Bull Story, gave his support to the pioneering project.