get down to business

get down to business

To begin doing something with the seriousness or determination the action requires; to begin doing what needs to be done. OK, let's quit fooling around and get down to business. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our offices. Let's get down to business, shall we?
See also: business, down, get
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

get down to business

 and get down to work
to begin to get serious; to begin to negotiate or conduct business. All right, every one. Let's get down to business. There has been enough chitchat. When the president and vice president arrive, we can get down to business.
See also: business, down, get
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

get down to ˈbusiness

start discussing or doing something seriously, especially after a time of social talk: Well, it’s getting late — perhaps we’d better get down to business.
See also: business, down, get
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • get down to
  • get down to (doing something)
  • get down to cases
  • let's get down to business
  • get down to work
  • on your mark(s)
  • on your marks
  • go on the game
  • fire away
  • go short (of something)
References in periodicals archive
"The protests at Betis (Mel's former club) say it all, so hopefully we can get down to business and see a better second half to the season than the first."