(as) sure as God made little green apples

(as) sure as God made little green apples

Certainly or without a doubt; assumed as true based on previous experience or evidence. It had to have been Mike who leaked our plans to the press, sure as God made little green apples! Come into a great fortune and, as sure as God made little green apples, the number of those who would be your friend increases tenfold.
See also: apple, god, green, little, made, sure
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

*sure as God made little green apples

 and *sure as eggs is eggs; *sure as fate; *sure as I'm stand-ing here; *sure as you live
Rur. absolutely certain. (*Also: as ~.) I'm as sure as God made little green apples that he's the one. I'm right, as sure as you live!
See also: apple, god, green, little, made, sure
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • (as) sure as fate
  • fate
  • sure as God made little green apples
  • (as) sure as I'm standing here
  • (as) sure as you're standing there
  • (as) sure as you live
  • sure as the wind blows
  • (as) sure as shooting
  • sure as shooting
  • Sure as shooting!