cock a snook at

cock a snook

To regard someone or something with disrespect. Primarily heard in UK. Don't you cock a snook at my instructions—I'm your superior!
See also: cock, snook
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

cock a snook at someone

to show or express defiance or scorn at someone. He cocked a snook at the traffic cop and tore up the ticket. The boy cocked a snook at the park attendant and walked on the grass.
See also: cock, snook
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

cock a ˈsnook at somebody/something

(British English, informal)
1 make a rude gesture by putting your thumb to your nose
2 do or say something that shows your lack of respect for somebody/something, especially when you cannot be punished for this: She cocked a snook at her teachers by going to school with her hair dyed purple.
See also: cock, snook, somebody, something
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • cock a snook
  • cock a snook at somebody/something
  • cock a snook at someone/something
  • snook
  • snoot
  • cock a
  • cock a snoot
  • cock your ear
  • cock (one's) ear
  • cocksocket
References in periodicals archive
May Phil's pen continue to write on for many years, his old tractor harrow many more acres and Phil himself continue to cock a snook at politicians.
IThe Chancellor's decision to cock a snook at Scotland's bid to set its own levels of Air Passenger Duty is, of course, good for the North.
"If the order is not made, websites such as Newzbin will simply be able to move offshore, anonymise the individuals behind the website and cock a snook at the courts and at rights holders who put their trust in the courts."
Youngsters now cock a snook at anyone who dares chastise them.
The next time you're at the airport, excited about jetting off on holiday, simply use this gizmo to weigh your cases quickly and accurately - in pounds or kilograms - and cock a snook at the over-zealous check-in staff (not literally, you still need to get on the flight).
Worse still, as if to cock a snook at the natural environment, the proponents have chosen a site that falls on part of the Denbigh Moors Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), a protected historic landscape where some of Britain's rarest birds nest and feed.
That's why the cock-a-hoop Aussies have been well-backed to cock a snook at Andrew Strauss's (right) boys in the Fourth Test.
Instead of setting an example to the populace these so-called representatives of the masses cock a snook at those struggling to keep their heads above water.
If it just happens to cock a snook at the legions of ambulance-chasing lawyers who perpetuate the compensation culture for their own benefit, well what can be wrong with that?
Just as the public were clamouring for Best Mate to undertake a more combative schedule, it seemed that the Moscow Flyer camp were doing their bit to cock a snook at such negative tactics by considering letting the horse take his chance against the best three-milers.
Those who cock a snook at our legal system must not only be dealt with, they must be seen to be dealt with, if it is to have any credibility.
Over the age of 14 they should know right from wrong, and this shielding from responsibility only allows them to cock a snook at the law.
I know it won't bring the trees back, but hopefully will cock a snook at the greedy developers who don't give a damn.
I am doing it to cock a snook at the young, slim and dewy.
It is ridiculous that banks continue to cock a snook at the Government and public with regard to bonuses and final-deal settlements.