
Related to bear: beer, brown bear


1. Something, often a task, that presents a challenge or a problem. I thought this project would be pretty straightforward, but it's become a real bear. That couch was a bear to move upstairs.
2. slang A highway patrol officer. Possibly a reference to Smokey the Bear, a cartoon character who wears a hat similar to those sometimes worn by the highway patrol. Some bear's gonna pull you over if you keep speeding like that!
3. slang An unattractive woman. She's a total bear, why would I flirt with her?
4. slang A gay man with a hairy, stout body. You know I like bears, so why do you keep setting me up with these skinny pretty boys?

bear (oneself)

To behave in a particular way. I need to bear myself bravely if I want to overcome this fear. I know you guys aren't thrilled about going to Great-Aunt Mildred's, but please try to bear yourselves politely.
See also: bear
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. a difficult task. This problem is a real bear.
2. n. an ugly woman. (Derogatory.) Tell the old bear to hold her tongue.
3. n. a highway patrol officer. (see also Smokey (the Bear).) There’s a bear hiding under that bridge.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (as) busy as a hibernating bear
  • (as) cross as a bear
  • (as) cross as a bear with a sore head
  • (as) gruff as a bear
  • (as) hungry as a bear
  • a bear in the air
  • a cross to bear
  • as much as the traffic will bear
  • average bear
  • baby bear
  • bare (one's) breast
  • bare (one's) teeth
  • bare necessities
  • be like a bear with a sore head
  • bear
  • bear (one's) cross
  • bear (oneself)
  • bear (someone or something) in mind
  • bear (up)on (something)
  • bear a grudge
  • bear a grudge (against someone)
  • bear a hand
  • bear a resemblance to
  • bear a resemblance to (someone or something)
  • bear arms
  • bear away
  • bear away the bell
  • bear cage
  • bear cross
  • bear down
  • bear down on (someone or something)
  • bear false witness
  • bear fruit
  • bear hug
  • bear in
  • bear in (up)on (one)
  • bear in mind
  • bear in mind (that)
  • bear in mind that
  • bear in the air
  • bear in with (something)
  • bear off
  • bear off (of something)
  • bear off from (someone or something)
  • bear on
  • bear out
  • bear something in mind
  • bear testimony to (something)
  • bear the bell
  • bear the brunt
  • bear the brunt (of something)
  • bear the brunt of
  • bear the brunt of something
  • bear the brunt, to
  • bear the burden (of something)
  • bear the palm
  • bear the sight of (someone or something)
  • bear trap
  • bear up
  • bear watching
  • bear with
  • bear with (someone or something)
  • bear with me
  • bear witness to (something)
  • bear/give witness
  • bear/keep somebody/something in mind
  • bring (something) to bear
  • bring something to bear
  • bring to bear
  • busy as a hibernating bear
  • can't bear to think about (something)
  • can't stand
  • carebear
  • charmed life, to bear (lead) a
  • cross as a bear
  • cross to bear
  • cross to bear, a/one's
  • Do bears crap in the woods?
  • Do bears poop in the woods?
  • Does a bear crap in the woods?
  • Does a bear poop in the woods?
  • escape the bear and fall to the lion
  • give witness to (something)
  • grin and bear it
  • gruff as a bear
  • have (one's) cross to bear
  • have a (heavy) cross to bear
  • have a bear by the tail
  • have a cross to bear
  • have a tiger by the tail
  • have your cross to bear
  • hot enough to burn a polar bear's butt
  • hungry as a bear
  • keep company
  • keep in mind
  • lady bear
  • like a bear with a sore head
  • loaded for bear
  • mama bear
  • millstone (around one's neck), to bear/carry a
  • more than (one) can bear
  • more than flesh and blood can bear
  • more than one can bear
  • not bear the sight of (someone or something)
  • skin the bear at once
  • smokey (bear)
  • Smokey the Bear
  • take the bear by the tooth
  • than the average bear
  • the weed of crime bears bitter fruit
  • X's and Y's and Z's, oh my!
References in classic literature
And in the afternoon of that day the women hauled in the meat of the bear while the men sat in council assembled.
The bear swallows the little round ball, the blubber melts, the whalebone with its sharp ends stands out straight, the bear gets sick, and when the bear is very sick, why, you kill him with a spear.
There were few houses in this part, and few orchards or flowers; so our friends feared they might encounter more of the savage bears, which they had learned to dread with all their hearts.
The horse was still smarting from the sharp claws of the invisible bears, and as soon as he was on land and headed toward the mountain the thought that more of those fearsome creatures might be near acted as a spur and sent him galloping along in a way that made Dorothy catch her breath.
Then Zeb, in a spirit of mischief, uttered a growl like that of the bears, and Jim pricked up his ears and fairly flew.
For a while I thought I heard him ahead of me, but at last, though I paused often to listen and to call to him, I heard nothing more, not even the grunting of the bears that had been behind us.
"I bear no love for you or for your race, and there is nought that I wish at your hands until the day when I see the last sail which bears you back to your island vanishing away against the western sky."
"Do so, Sir William," said the prince," and give him this purse of a hundred nobles as a sign of the respect which I bear for him; for, by St.
His mind was running upon bears and boars, when, in the process of draining his glass to the bottom, he raised his eyes, and saw, for the first time and with unbounded astonishment, that he was not alone.
'I'll brood over miseries no longer, but put a good face on the matter, and try the fresh air and the bears again; and if that don't do, I'll talk to the baroness soundly, and cut the Von Swillenhausens dead.' With this the baron fell into his chair, and laughed so loud and boisterously, that the room rang with it.
As a way of expressing their gratitude to those who helped them heal hearts and bring smiles, Grizz, Pan-Pan, and Ice Bear surprised their Filipino fans with a meet-and-greet alongside activities, games and prizes.
'Our team rescued a bear while it was being transported in a rickshaw passing through the Bokera Sharif bypass in Tando Allahyar.
Talking to reporter, Assitant Director Sakhawat Ali said the black bear was held in the jurisdiction of Punjab whereas IWMB first raided the spot and conducted the operation.
In areas with enough open terrain and visibility to allow it, spotting and stalking is, without a doubt, one of the most exciting methods of bowhunting for black bears. Once a good bear is spotted, a plan is made to move closer for a better look and, hopefully, determine how the terrain will allow you to slip within bow range undetected.