first refusal

Related to first refusal: Right of first offer

first refusal

The first chance to obtain something. I gave them first refusal on my script, but they weren't interested, so I took it to another studio.
See also: first, refusal
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

(give somebody, have, etc.) (the) first reˈfusal

the opportunity to buy something before it is offered for sale to others: She promised to give me first refusal if she ever decides to sell the flat.
See also: first, refusal
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • refusal
  • give (one) (the right of/to) first refusal
  • give (someone) the first crack at (something)
  • first crack at
  • have (the) first crack at (something)
  • get the first crack at (something)
  • want the first crack at (something)
  • be first out of the box
  • first in, best dressed
  • be the first (person) to (do something)
References in periodicals archive
However, Equinor, a joint venture partner with Shell at Caesar-Tonga, exercised a right of first refusal, meaning it has now taken the stake, for the same price.
Earlier, the right of first refusal was reserved for Indian flag vessels as per relevant provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act 1958.
UK museums and buyers would also get first refusal on acquisitions.
It contains a self-described "condition subsequent," which conditions Volvo's ability to exercise its right of first refusal on the closing of the rest of the deal between dealers and TEC.
Where bylaws' restriction on transfer only granted right of first refusal to holders of class of stock being transferred, plaintiffs had no right to notice of transfer because they held different class of stock and where sole owner of voting stock evidenced clear intent to maintain control.
They have exercised a right of first refusal to match a $600 million offer for New York's Plaza Hotel, in a move that would void another Shahal Khan and Kamran Hakim's agreement to buy the property, according to Bloomberg .
The so-called right of first refusal or RoFR allows fleet owners to take the benefit available to Indian registered ships for doing business along the Indian coast.
Plus, it will also not get the benefit of ' Right of First Refusal ( ROFR) when its owner, the New Delhi Municipal Council ( NDMC), auctions it, said the Delhi High Court on Thursday.
Celgene gains a six-month right of first refusal to certain disease fields.
10 to decide whether to exercise the town's right of first refusal to buy the land, which is state-designated Chapter 61A agricultural land.
But to legally consummate this deal with SM, a 30day notice was sent to the group allied with the Ayalas led by Rafael Ortigas since under existing shareholder agreements, this side of the family had the right of first refusal on any stake to be unloaded.
Alphaland Group cannot transfer its shares in its joint venture project, Alphaland Bay City (ABC), with the Wenceslao Group project to Ashmore Investment unless the Wenceslao Group was allowed to exercise or waive its right of first refusal.
4 October 2013 a[euro]" Slovakia is determined to sell its 49% in Slovak Telekom AS regardless of what Deutsche Telekom AG (ETR:DTE) decides to do with its option of first refusal, an economy ministry representative said as cited by Reuters today.