These blood tests can define whether the thyroid gland's hormone production is normal, too high, or too low.
To track this down your doctor will ask if there's any thyroid disease in your family, if you have an autoimmune disease where your body has attacked your thyroid gland, or if your thyroid gland has spontaneously become overactive.
What's this test? Thyroid blood test
"In this case, the result is a sebaceous gland which --similar to tumors--continues to grow.
During the formation of the sebaceous gland, when a stem cell divided and gave rise to two daughter cells, this more often led to the formation of two new stem cells than into mature sebaceous gland cells.
Stem Cell Research Sheds Light On How Skin's Sebaceous Glands Develop
Temporal expression of TGF-[alpha] in sublingual
glandImmunohistochemical Expression of Transforming Growth Factor-Alpha between Rat Submandibular and Sublingual Salivary Glands during Post-Natal Development
Malignant tumours comprise 15-30% of all parotid tumours, 40% of submandibular
gland tumours, 70-90% of sublingual and over 50% of minor salivary
gland tumours.
Human submandibular salivary
gland lies inferior to mylohyoid muscle while rat submandibular
gland lies on anterior side of neck having submandibular lymph nodes on one side and sternum on the other side.
Ultrastructure of the major ampullate
gland of the black widow spider, Latrodectus Hesperus.
Dissection of silk glands in the Western black widow Latrodectus Hesperus
A comparison of sweat
gland diameter in dorsal, lateral, and ventral areas of all the body regions concluded that in dorsal area the maximum diameter was observed in abdomen dorsal followed by neck dorsal, head dorsal, thorax dorsal, and tail dorsal areas but the difference was significant (p<0.05) in the head, thorax, and tail.
Histomorphometrical Study on Regional Variation in Distribution of Sweat Glands in Buffalo Skin
The parotid
gland weight of rats with STZ-induced diabetes in week 4 of the study was significantly lower as compared to the control rats.
Lysosomal Exoglycosidase Profile and Secretory Function in the Salivary Glands of Rats with Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes
Theories and speculations have been advanced about the pineal
gland. The 17th-century French rationalist philosopher, Rene Descartes, believed the pineal
gland to be the 'principal seat of the soul.'
The pineal gland and higher consciousness
Upon deeper examination, we discovered muscle fibers in the periphery of the mammary
gland showed variation in size, initially thinner and then thicker.
Mammary gland morphology in the northern Amazon red squirrel (Sciurus igniventris)/Morfologia da glandula mamaria em esquilo do Norte Amazonico (Sciurus igniventris)
Bilateral Hyperplasia of Bartholin's
Gland: A Case Report.
Bilateral hyperplasia of Bartholin's gland: A case report
gland dysfunction (MGD) is a chronic, debilitating disease, which affects millions of people worldwide.
Meibomian gland dysfunction: what are we looking at?
Information regarding age, gender, tumor location and tumor size were determined for each salivary
gland tumor type.
Histomorphological spectrum of salivary gland tumors in a tertiary care hospital--A retrospective study