alive with

alive with

Full of or covered with something. At night, the field came alive with fireflies. The court was alive with jubilant fans after the basketball team's big win.
See also: alive
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

alive with (people or things)

Fig. covered with, filled with, or active with people or creatures. Look! Ants everywhere. The floor is alive with ants!
See also: alive
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

alive with

Teeming with, full of, as in After the annual stocking, the pond was alive with trout. [Late 1700s]
See also: alive
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • be alive with
  • alive
  • alive to
  • alive to (something)
  • alive and well
  • man alive
  • look alive
  • Look alive!
  • pump (something) into (someone or something)
  • pump into
References in classic literature
All the low hills were washed with color and even the little clusters of bushes in the corners of the fences were alive with beauty.
Meanwhile, 95 percent of Filipinos say it is important that illegal drug trade suspects must be captured alive with only 5 percent said it is not important.
Maestros Producer and Promoter, Salman Ahmed added,' there have been many golden voices such as of Mohammed Rafi Sahib, Kishore Kumar Sahib, Jagjit Singh Ji and many others but at times forgotten as no one is there to keep it alive with devotion and endless hard work.
ANDY PARKINSON is aiming to prove the doubters wrong again and keep Prestatyn's European hopes alive with a positive result in Croatia.
Even so, in our attempt to keep people alive with our treatment of disease, more people in America die annually from iatrogenic causes (e.g.
From page one, Campbell has the ability to bring her characters alive with colorful and real language.