alive with
alive with
Full of or covered with something. At night, the field came alive with fireflies. The court was alive with jubilant fans after the basketball team's big win.
See also: alive
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
alive with (people or things)
Fig. covered with, filled with, or active with people or creatures. Look! Ants everywhere. The floor is alive with ants!
See also: alive
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
alive with
Teeming with, full of, as in After the annual stocking, the pond was alive with trout. [Late 1700s]
See also: alive
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
- be alive with
- alive
- alive to
- alive to (something)
- alive and well
- man alive
- look alive
- Look alive!
- pump (something) into (someone or something)
- pump into