sniff around

Related to sniff around: feel up to, make into, get up to, have over

sniff around

To investigate, search through, or inquire impertinently into something or some place. Please tell me that the cops won't find any incriminating evidence if they start sniffing around your office. Sarah's been sniffing around, lately—I think she's starting to suspect me. I started sniffing around the senator's campaign records and discovered a vast conspiracy of fraud and embezzlement.
See also: around, sniff
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

sniff around

To pry; snoop: The reporters came sniffing around for more details. The detectives sniffed around the basement for clues. The guard caught them sniffing around in the room where the files are kept.
See also: around, sniff
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • sniff about (something or some place)
  • snoop
  • snoop about (something or some place)
  • snoop around
  • snoop into
  • snoop into (something)
  • poke about
  • poke around
  • sniff
  • have a (good) sniff around
References in periodicals archive
In effect, Rechnitz is using the crab's version of the human nose to sniff around in solutions for dissolved biomolecules.
"Now the AC Milans of this world and Juventuses, all of them, now that they have seen this happen they will know that this is a time when they can come and sniff around Arsenal.
She has a little dog too and they sniff around each while we talk politely about the weather.