Junkers Ju87s: Destroyed, 13,
damaged, 11, pilots killed, 10, missing, 12, wounded, 3.
Grim toll mounts
This exclusion does not apply if the
damaged work or the work out of which the damage arises was performed on your behalf by a subcontractor." Source: ISO CGL form, CG 00 01 12 04
Understanding CGL coverage: readers pose questions on exclusions
These shadow sections show an important fact that in the process of RAID 5 recovery, if there appear any bad sectors, RAID 5 data will be half-baked and it may cause some data to be
damaged, or severe damage to the system, depending on the location of "shadow sections".
Improving data availability with RAID 6
All levels of bacterial amylase had improved ratings for dough smoothness and dough toughness of flours that contained 9.7% or 12.6%
damaged starch.
Bacterial amylase lessens effects of damaged starch on tortilla quality
The method of converting the
damaged property to cash no longer should prevent a taxpayer from receiving the benefits of involuntary conversion treatment.
Defining an involuntary conversion
In 1992-1995, wind, ice storms, wildfires and insect infestations
damaged some of Willamette's crop.
Tax Court expands Sec. 1033's scope
The following compensation will be available for owners of lost or
damaged vehicles, said Antonelli:
Vehicles damaged, destroyed in vessel fire
When the die coating is
damaged, you have soldering and die wear.
Maintenance can help you get the most of permanent molds
The inner cordon marks the most severely
damaged area and the crime scene.
Bomb attacks in city centers
Insurance will help rebuild many houses of worship
damaged by hurricanes Katrina and Rita--but at significant cost to individual churches.
Church insurers take hit from Hurricanes Katrina, Rita
To do that, scientists run swabs over
damaged paintings and manuscripts or, when permitted, snip or scrape off small pieces for analysis.
Living history: cultural artifacts are crawling with damaging microbes
The hinges can be
damaged if a door suddenly slams open as the cab tilts forward.
Armor means a tougher lift
The building was severely
damaged when it was struck by debris falling from the South Tower of the World Trade Center after the terrorist attacks of Sept.
Deutsche Bank loses 2 in court
* Do not place cartridges that are dirty or
damaged in a drive
The storage lifetime of removable media
Decide who the
damaged party really is; how and when the damages occurred; what the damages consist of and when and how alternative damages should be measured.
An expert witness can make or break a case