
Related to dairies: dictionary


vulgar slang Breasts. Yeah, but her dairies never used to be that big. Did she get a boob job or something?
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. the breasts. Fine dairies on that one!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • bazoongies
  • bezongas
  • garbanzos
  • bazooms
  • bawangos
  • balloons
  • double-barreled slingshot
  • #dead
References in periodicals archive
Within urban and peri-urban dairies, animals are seen tethered round the clock and are forced to lie in their own urine and faeces, hardly room to lie comfortably and unable to turn around, move or roam.
It has 9 dairies and 10 depots nationwide and employs almost 6,000 people across four business units: Muller Dairy, Muller Wiseman Dairies, Muller Minsterley and TM Telford.
Dairy Crest, which employs 4,000 people in its dairies business and 6,000 people overall, also announced that its current contract to supply liquid milk to Tesco will not be renewed in July.
It appears that county zoning boards do not have a problem with dairies when they meet environmental regulations and their zoning regulations.
Chief executive Drummond Hall said: 'The integration of Midlands Co-op Dairies into our own dairy operations will generate significant efficiencies as well as strengthening our customer base in the Midlands region.'
Fewer than half of Northern Ontario's existing nine dairies are private and independently owned.
On 6 November 2014 Dairy Crest said had agreed to sell the assets of its Dairies operations to Muller UK and Ireland Group for GBP 80m (USD 119.65m) in cash.
That bid was topped last week by Scottish group Robert Wiseman Dairies, which tabled a pounds 225 million offer to support growth in the Midlands.
Diaper services washing cloth diapers and dairies using refilled milk bottles are experiencing a resurgence in numbers -- and in consumer popularity.
The OTA report predicts that new technologies in general will provide greater financial opportunities for large rather than small farms; that there will be a trend to fewer and larger dairies in all regions; and that there will be a need for farms in the Great Lakes states and the Northeast to substantially restructure to compete.
M2 EQUITYBITES-November 6, 2014-Dairy Crest to offload Dairies operations to Mueller
Dave Brudvig, director of sales for Calf-Tel, visits dairies frequently as part of his monthly routine.
dairies, milking 500 cows or more daily, now produce 40 percent of the country's fluid milk.
Dutch dairies must also deal with a strict set of government regulations.