Incredible" Page, the 70s pioneer who helped elevate
sidewalk surfing to what it is today.
Hello goodbye
As for its cultural context, Skaterdater tapped into a swell of popular interest in the still-new activity of skateboarding, or "
sidewalk surfing," which had gained traction among California youths in the early 1960s.
Short film, long ride: Skaterdater
A few years later an actual skate shop opened in a strip mall near my home and I was introduced to a new world of
sidewalk surfing. Urethane wheels and wide trucks reduced the teeth chattering and skinned knees.
Good ideas on a roll in Utah
Originally called '
sidewalk surfing' in America, skateboarding was an easy way for non-surfers to feel the great motion of surfing but on land.
LIVING HEALTH: STUNTS, BRUISES AND FITNESS; Skateboard your way to health You've sung along to Avril Lavigne hit Sk8er Boi and seen the cool kids performing amazing street stunts. But more people, particularly women, are being encouraged to take up skateboarding to keep fit. ZANNAH LEWIS reports
America is so hooked on what they call "
sidewalk surfing" that retail giant Wal-Mart has ordered three million.
Do you guys get just as hyped to go
sidewalk surfing around the city as you do selling out the GAMH?
The Orwells
It reminds everyone that somehow we managed to turn
sidewalk surfing into a job.
Southern fried naawwsty
Half of us surf; I prefer
sidewalk surfing on a scab raft.
Kilgore: Sean Gutierrez
However, there is speculation if such a facility will even be built, what with the city council not being especially interested in extending HB's "surf city" claim to
sidewalk surfing. Long-time HB local lid Templeton is ready to chain himself to the flatbar to preserve this oasis of stoke (provided Deanna bring him three-to-four vegan meals a day, some snacks, an Internet connection, and--ah, hell--who are we kidding?
'Round world
It was not too long after a mind-mangling part in the new Death video that Australia's Richie Jackson has signed on to Dekline, joined by the limey legend Oily Todd, whose Static III part is helping to redefine sophisticated
sidewalk surfing. Just a few short years ago, it was fat drops to flat that got you a sponsor.
Snap squad
sidewalk surfing, man, pushing down the street.
Brent Atchley: "raw, raw, raw"
Citing a new "zero tolerance" policy on
sidewalk surfing, the pigs took the three downtown in cuffs, then impounded Scott's car and confiscated his considerable collection of photo gear which is to be returned only after his court date.
Pigs suck
So they used to call it
sidewalk surfing? More literal than lateral is the latest product offering from Skate One, which has been said to be a subsidiary of Skate One, which in turn is reputed to be somehow connected to the mysto Powell Corporation.