Around15 caravans moved on to
Moggy Pond green,off Hazel Avenue, on Thursday, August 1, along with several other vehicles.
Residents 'beside themselves' as travellers target Bellfields green yet again; On this occasion the group were quickly moved on by the authorities, although a resident fears they may return again soon
They became attached to the mystery
moggy, which by then must have used up at least one of its nine lives.
Cat rescued from Lagoon locker and finds refuge; EIGHT LIVES
Felix's spokespeople said they were hoping the book "didn't break the interweb again", adding the
moggy was taking her success "all in her stride'.'.
Felix's colouring book is purr-fect for charity; station cat's latest enterprise
MOGGY Psy survived an 80-mile trip in the engine of a lorry
80 miles under the bonnet of a truck.. and yes, you guessed it, the engine was purring
The disappearance of the
moggy, who has 100,000 followers on Twitter, has been shared by hundreds of students on social media.
Spread the word, library cat is missing
The unfortunate black and white
moggy has proven himself to be indestructible after twice being hit by a car and escaping a burning building following an arson attack.
Boots the veterinary cat is testing his nine lives
Felix's owner Sam Wellbank, from Bedworth, Warwickshire, discovered the
moggy's mishap when she called him in for his breakfast.
Close scrape for cat in a hot tin stew!
Catherine Kendall, owner of 16-year-old
moggy Geri, revealed the cat had suffered blisters and had fur falling out in clumps in the attack near her home in Wyver Crescent, Copsewood, Coventry.
Bones lucky not to lose eye after being shot in face
The middle-aged woman claimed that her seven-year-old
moggy named Bull has engaged in unnatural sexual behaviour and has been making advances to male cats, in presence of female cats, reported.
Nigerian woman throws out pet cat for 'being gay'
BRITISH comedian Russell Brand says he loves his cat, named
Moggy Morrison, the most in the world.
Brand loves his cat the most
moggy is now facing paralysis after the pellet hit him in the neck.
Shot cat paralysed; IN BRIEF
Now the RSPCA is asking for information about the sick
Appeal over abandoned cat
Summary: A tiny
moggy wakes up to the world, stretching his tiny paws, before he lets out a massive yawn.
Is this the cutest cat in the world?
Looking Backers (Bronze proficiency level) will also spot the Morris Marina, centre right, and Morris '
Moggy' Minor, centre.
looking back
A BELOVED pet cat has been reunited with its owners an incredible four years after the mischievous
moggy went missing.
Missing cat returns after four years; Treasured lost pet spotted on RSPCA website