I think women shouldn't
shy away form adding more accessories to their look.
Style Anatomy: Ambreen Israr
"I don't go looking for it and I don't go out of my way to cause an argument, but if someone comes at you on the pitch in the heat of the moment and the adrenaline is going then no one in this squad is one to
shy away from it.
Stokes gets ready for Australian sledging; CRICKET
I am a Labour voter and I will probably vote Labour at the next General Election, not because of the leadership, who like the other main parties
shy away from the issues people care about, but because the Labour MP for my area is a good one.
Time to listen to voters; You Say Email:letters@liverpoolecho.co.uk
Communications Minister Ed Vaizey is to announce that the Government is to press ahead with a switchover to digital radio - but will
shy away from setting a date.
Government to press ahead with digital switchover
The MEPs urged EU representatives not to "
shy away from criticism" on current developments in Russian internal politics, including numerous cases of violation of freedom of expression and assembly in the run-up to parliamentary and presidential elections.
People in public life should not
shy away from talking about the separation of church and state.
Separation of church and state!: Say it loud, say it proud
While you don't
shy away from the topic of sexuality, you don't normally make smut of it, and I usually enjoy everything I road.
Minor offenses
EADS co-CEO and Airbus CEO Louis Gallois did not
shy away from the program's difficulties in his remarks yesterday at a Toulouse ceremony.
Company Watch - Airbus
The limited-partnership structure of hedge funds, along with their penchant for secrecy in terms of trading positions, means they
shy away from such terms as "investment adviser," said Mattessich.
Experts eye insurers' exposure to hedge risks
The challenge is not to
shy away from our emotions and perspectives and hope it all goes away, but instead, to ask what we believe God wants for his people today, and to do it in such a way that respects and honours the viewpoints of others.
Don't shy away
Adding "family" to AFDC's name in 1962 caused a new group of policymakers to
shy away from the program's welfare aspects.
From Welfare to Workfare: The Unintended Consequences of Liberal Reform, 1945-1965
Critical Lessons does not
shy away from controversial topics, such as denouncing the concept that a benevolent God and a Hell of eternal torture as a logically impossible conundrum.
Critical Lessons
The Centre will not
shy away from contentious issues like conversion, proselytising, extremism and fundamentalism and will pursue honest conversation.
London's taboo-breaking tent
"We attribute our ongoing success to the team's ability to provide creative financing packages--loans more traditional banks often
shy away from--to meet the varying needs of New York area housing cooperatives."
NCB finances in NY
And I certainly don't believe that Democrats should
shy away from it because they're afraid the Republicans will criticize them.
Censure and the Times