a jaundiced eye

a jaundiced eye

A negative view or opinion prejudiced by past experiences. I used to think that Chris was a good kid, but ever since I overhead him bragging about cheating on an exam, I've seen him with a jaundiced eye. After you've been in this industry for as long as I have, you'll learn you have to look at deals like these with a jaundiced eye.
See also: eye, jaundiced
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • jaundiced
  • a horseback opinion
  • folk devil
  • crib note
  • eat dirt
  • crib sheet
  • cheat sheet
  • take (one) to the cleaners
  • take somebody to the cleaners
  • take someone to the cleaners
References in classic literature
For every hand seemed raised against me, though in reality it was the hand of fellowship that the world stretched out, and the other was the reading of a jaundiced eye. I could not help it: there was a poison in my veins that made me all ingratitude and perversity.
He scanned Shaftesbury Avenue with a jaundiced eye, and thought that he had never seen a beastlier thoroughfare.
Not that he regarded the play of life about him with a jaundiced eye, but, rather, that his eyes became unseeing.
Outtakes always casts a jaundiced eye on these fastest-growing lists, but it's a fact that Rockfish--which enters the list at No.
Both artists cast a jaundiced eye on modern life from the perspective of a flaneur-participant seduced by surface, defending himself only with his status as observer.
Marriage is viewed with such a jaundiced eye that happy marriages are mentioned with the word happy in ironic quotation marks; motherhood is presented largely as a burden, fatherhood as something even worse.
And critics of philanthropy, from the very-knowledgeable-but-out-of-touch organizers on the left to the in-touch-but-know-nothing organizers on the right, have all appraised the world of private foundations with a jaundiced eye.
In a dance that examines religion with a jaundiced eye, Louis, dressed in a black vest and bowler, slips ironically between the posturing of an evangelical preacher and that of the Devil.
But if you watch these talk shows with a jaundiced eye, and keep Beavis and Butt-head in mind, you can see how the pundits play a less obvious, but equally pernicious, role in the stupefaction of America.
In what has become a growing trend, the Appellate Term continues to cast a jaundiced eye upon family member succession claims which are highly suspect, dubious, incredible or simply contrary to the evidence adduced during the trial.
Summing up, the court said it "declines the Commission's invitation to look with a jaundiced eye at each accounting decision made during a complex audit merely because of an accountant's economic motivation in maintaining an ongoing relationship with a client." (Securities and Exchange Commission v.
Marshall's Contenders (1990) posited athletic competition as a metaphor for life and love, while Paul Taylor's Last Look (1985) cast a jaundiced eye on a self-hating society whose whiplashing frenzy depicted it at the point of self-destruction.