I can
recall to mind that the company assembled numbered about fifty, the room being big enough to hold three hundred.
A Rogues Life
All he asked, in that case, was that she would
recall to mind, for the last time, what the circumstances were under which the engagement between them was made, and what his conduct had been from the beginning of the courtship to the present time.
The Woman in White
recall to mind a long succession of men in our employment as travelers, all equally remarkable for their dirty cloaks and their clean linen, for their highly civilized courtesy to women and their utterly barbarous cruelty to horses.
Law and the Lady
It was in vain to think of reaching it by stealth, since the natives escorted me in numbers wherever I went, and not for one single moment that I can
recall to mind was I ever permitted to be alone.
That is, in truth--I am permitted to say, because there cannot be any author's vanity in all this, since I do nothing more than transcribe facts on which an exceptional documentation enables me to throw a new light--that is because, in truth, I do not know that, in the domain of reality or imagination, one can discover or
recall to mind anything comparable, in its mystery, with the natural mystery of The Yellow Room.
The Mystery of the Yellow Room
"I perfectly well remember Perugia, sir, and the Hotel des Postes, and the festival of which you speak," said Madame de Villefort, "but in vain do I tax my memory, of whose treachery I am ashamed, for I really do not
recall to mind that I ever had the pleasure of seeing you before."
Count of Monte Cristo
As the elected representatives and senators start performing their official functions, let us
recall to mind the immortal words of Agbayani, who once said that what we need is a 'leadership that conceives of public office as a trust, not a privilege; as a duty not as power; as a responsibility not authority; and as an instrument of service to the people not for self-aggrandizement.' Let's pray that they carry every word of it in their hearts as they start discharging their duties.
A patriot unremembered
recall to mind a phrase I always repeat: 'blessed be he who presents me with my own oversights'; therefore dear citizens, and you do hear me now, anything that benefits your faith first and above all else, and then your homeland-the land of the Two Holy Mosques, which we all serve- you are most welcome; and I repeat: our doors, our phones, and our ears are open for every citizen.
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques inaugurates New Taif projects 2
Criss-crossing exotic lands, deserts and borderlines between Europe and the Arab world for the past 53 years, he begins to
recall to mind childhood memories, when he was brought up on staple black and white Arab cinema -- entertaining indulgences that still continue today through contemporary Arabic literature and dubbed Turkish soap-operas.
An Arabist's confessions
Recall to mind the way he spoke, the things he said, his strength, his courage, remember these instead.
In Memoriam
But he can't
recall to mind anyone he has played with or handled who reminds him of McFadden in full flight.
Football: FLAIRS ARE BACK IN FASHION; Burns thrills at Faddy skills
Today, on the 58th anniversary of the atomic bombing, as we pray for the repose of those who died and
recall to mind their suffering, we the citizens of Nagasaki pledge our commitment to the realization of true peace in the world, free from nuclear weapons.
Full text of Nagasaki Peace Declaration
I also
recall to mind a farmer who enlisted as a private soldier when war broke out and, like the other two, sailed for overseas with the First Contingent in 1939.
Natural born soldiers? Are training and leadership enough to produce true warriors?