Jon Beare, a spokesman for the
Big Sleep Hotel chain, said: "We get on lists like this quite often because of John Malkovich, so in some ways it's nothing new.
Big Sleep earns place on global hotel A-list; RANKED ALONGSIDE CHATEAU MARMONT IN TRAVEL GUIDE
Big Sleep in Cardiff is usually better known as a stop-over for raucous hen parties and travellers on a shoestring budget, but according to Lonely Planet it is one of the top 10 celebrity hotels in the world.
MIXING IT WITH THE BIG BOYS; Cardiff's Big Sleep named as one of top 10 celeb hotels
BIG SLEEP (1946)Bogart and Lauren Bacall starred in the definitive detective movie based on Raymond Chandler noirish novel of the same name.
Detective films
People from across the Midlands are set to learn what it would be like to sleep rough on a cold winter's night at The
Big Sleep Out.
Charity issues challenge for a night in the cold again
Big Sleep Out has so far raised at least pounds 9,000.
Sleep out clocks up charity funds
A GLOSSY video covering the first ever
Big Sleep Out at The John Smith's Stadium, featuring 150 hardy fundraisers, has been made.
Video made of the Big Sleep Out at stadium; MORE THAN PS40,000 RAISED FOR HUDDERSFIELD'S HOMELESS BY EVENT
* Ready for the
Big Sleep Out 2011 are, clockwise from top lef t, Steven Brown, Daniel Beyland, Ellie Smith and Christopher James Lee
Staff sleep rough to highlight issue of homelessness
To find out more, visit, where you can also register for fundraisers such as The
Big Sleep Out next year.
This is the 20th anniversary of the
Big Sleep Out which involves the car park and street outside St Basil's offices in Heath Mill Lane turned into a cardboard city.
350 have rough night for charity
This year will be the 20th anniversary of the
BIG Sleep Out, planned at the charity's headquarters in Digbeth on Friday, December 4.
St Basil's hopes for bigger total on Corporate Sleep Out night
Last week we gave readers the chance to win some fantastic UK breaks at luxurious hotels and following on from that we visit Cardiff's
Big Sleep.
WIN a break at one of the world's coolest hotels; the big sleep hotel
Big Sleep saw 80 young people take their sleeping bags to Stockton Parish Church last night to experience sleeping rough for themselves.
A night out to make a difference
Big Sleep is the antidote to every chintzy and worn hotel you have ever stayed at.
Time Off: Fun designer hotel that doesn't break the bank; Travel
It truly is its own thing - The
Big Sleep for 21st century indie kids.
Debut cements itself as a cult classic; BRICK **** 15
And as well as raising the profile of the issue, Friday night's
Big Sleep Out event also netted more than PS50,000 for homelessness organisations in the town.
Sleep Out nets PS50k for groups helping homeless