A review of the literature and practice-based articles indicate that faculty and others have been creative in how they have utilized the Blackboard
Collaborate tool.
Multi-purposing synchronous web-based collaboration tools
The first step was to
collaborate with the legislators by testifying at the Senate and the House of Representatives hearings.
Farmer collaboration in port decongestion
Collaborate is designed for organisations that use unified communications software or web services to handle voice, video and data communications.
ClearOne unveils new all-in-one video colaboration solution
The three groups met on NorthernKnowledge, a website portal where people in the digital and creative industries can share information and
collaborate on projects.
World Cup song is put in the back of the Northern Net
Also the data shows that professionals in China are less likely to
collaborate than professionals in other regions.
China losing out by failing to collaborate
As Brooks notes, every group that
collaborates on college access brings an important piece to address one of the many complex challenges that deters students from attending college.
Collaborating on college access: guaranty agencies are now required to share best practices and resources. And that collaboration is making a greater impact on higher ed
To enhance the chances of ultimate success, parents and their young adult children must
collaborate, coordinate, and work together to help the student plan and pursue their college and university goals in preparation for there eventual careers.
Atwood Publishing
As an SAP Services Partner, Protiviti's application and process controls team will
collaborate with SAP to help customers implement and effectively utilize the comprehensive SAP solutions for GRC to enhance their integrated enterprise-wide risk mitigation and compliance efforts.
GRC solutions
and Broad Corporation today announced their agreement to
collaborate on the marketing of an internal control solution that utilizes search engine technology.
Sumitomo, Broad to Market Internal Control Solution with Search Function
JRT now has the opportunity to
collaborate with 11,000 high-caliber professionals, many of whom are women and minorities.
M/WBE opens doors in commercial real estate
If the United States does not
collaborate with China in promoting more conservation and energy efficiency, her demand for oil could drive the price over $100 per barrel during the next five years.
Commodities, China, and American foreign policy: how all are linked
* A lecture-recital featuring music set to the prose or poetry of a famous writer:
collaborate with literature or poetry teachers to bring out the particular techniques that distinguish this writer.
Innovative concert ideas: beyond the music
At each site, high-throughput automated systems would
collaborate, and epidemiologic observations and test results would appear in the laboratory's web-enabled database for analysis within days (23).
Human influenza surveillance: the demand to expand
This article describes a text and an approach that invite students from different language-learning backgrounds to
collaborate to improve their reading and writing skills in French.
Studying Le Ballon rouge with false beginners
They kept telling her that if she didn't
collaborate, they would kill her mother, but she never broke down."
From torture victim to president