collect dust

collect dust

To be in a state of disuse for a prolonged period of time. Why do you want another video game console? You already have three collecting dust under the television! My father has lots of old trinkets and memorabilia collecting dust in the attic.
See also: collect, dust
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • catch dust
  • come out of the box
  • out (of) the (starting) blocks
  • out of the blocks
  • out (of) the (starting) gate
  • bring (something) out of mothballs
  • bring out of mothballs
  • mothball
  • O-sign
  • the O-sign
References in periodicals archive
Do not let your handbook collect dust on the shelf.
Besides absorbing the VOCs from adhesives and paints, these furnishings can collect dust mites, bacteria and fungi, especially in areas of high humidity, leading to a wide range of allergic reactions.
I'm also allergic to dust and, as Christmas decorations collect dust like nothing else, those were out of the question.
I, for one, would question the competency of a provider working out of an office or a facility that looks like a tacky home, with cute wallpaper borders, artificial plants, and wood paneling--not to mention design touches that pose potential infection-control problems, such as flounces that collect dust, wall textures that provide a growth environment for microbes, and other homelike but possibly hazardous materials.
Since its launch in 1999, NASA's Stardust satellite has traveled 3 trillion kilometers (2 billion miles) just to collect dust particles from a comet's tail and bring them back to Earth.
By vacuuming an X pattern from corner to corner in a room users can collect dust and mold in the device and then mail the sample for detailed analysis using the prepaid envelope included in the kit.
We are looking at air service in the North and we are also looking at appointing a champion for the report so it does not collect dust. We are also looking at the idea of grow bonds for the North."
Today, as these white elephants, for the most part, collect dust in lieu of data, we come face to face with two sobering realities:
Lord Hurcomb, chairman of the British Transport Committee said: 'While everything possible would be done to segregate the sexes, mixing could not always be avoided.' It was suggested that curtains dividing compartments be introduced, but Lord Hurcomb claimed it would cost up to pounds 2,000 and that 'curtains collect dust and dirt.'
Lafarge Cement UK, which produces Blue Circle brand products at the Aberthaw complex, is investing the bulk of the funds in the latest "bag filter" technology to replace older systems currently used to collect dust from the factory's main kiln exhaust gases.
This summer, an international effort to observe and collect dust streaming off Asia into the North Pacific included two airplanes, one ship, several satellites, and a ground station in Korea.
Thorne's Polytex units collect dust at source, drawing it through ducting by a powerful fan and trapping it in the filter bag system.
Whether the Commission's tome will simply collect dust or become the watershed for change depends on who endorses its recommendations.