
pussy whip

vulgar slang Of a woman, to control a partner, typically a man, in a domineering, condescending, emasculating manner. Sometimes hyphenated or written as a single word. Dude, my girlfriend and I make decisions together. Just because she's putting her foot down about something doesn't mean she's pussy whipping me. I think there's an element whereby male employees feel as though they're being pussy-whipped if they have to take orders from a female boss. I'm glad she makes you happy, Tom, but don't let her pussywhip you.
See also: pussy, whip

pussy whipped

vulgar slang Totally controlled, domineered, or emasculated by a woman. Typically said of a man. Sometimes hyphenated or written as a single word. I think there's an element whereby male employees feel as though they're getting pussy whipped if they have to take orders from a female boss. Dude, my girlfriend and I make decisions together. Just because she's putting her foot down about something doesn't mean I'm pussywhipped or anything. You need to break up with Janet, Tom—I hate seeing you pussy-whipped like this.
See also: pussy, whip
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. [of a male] dominated or controlled by a woman. Your trouble is that you’re pussy-whipped, Casper.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • pussy whip
  • pussy whipped
  • pussywhipped
  • in demand
  • bleeding edge
  • hit and miss
  • hit or miss
  • hit-and-miss
  • flat chat
  • flat strap
References in periodicals archive
All the blokes are pussy-whipped wimps, running scared of a monstrous regiment of deranged females.
And if the reason we aren't doing it is because the Prime Minister's wife won't allow it, then we need a new Prime Minister - one who isn't pussy-whipped!
But the reality is that Rod Stewart is more pussy-whipped than playboy.
Au contraire, they would regard such a man as a pussy-whipped wimp, a loser, very possibly even ...
The Street, raves the Rev., is turning men into nothing but a pitiful shower of down-trodden, pussy-whipped wimps.
"What we are witnessing," he writes ironically, is the action of the female mind upon male flesh, otherwise known as the cumulative effect of being pussy-whipped over the course of 20 years of marriage by a strong, beautiful, redheaded wife."
And not a goddamn peep outta the pussy-whipped press!
The England coach has been pussy-whipped by a latter day courtesan who ate him up and spat him out.
They'd see me as pussy-whipped for even mentioning it.