The latest
saber rattling from Tehran comes as no surprise: Iranian leaders are well aware that despite repeated pledges from the current US administration and its Israeli allies to pursue the path of diplomacy in confronting Iran's controversial nuclear program, the specter of neoconservative-style military intervention has not yet subsided.
Bush could do himself a favor by heeding Iran's warnings
However, as the ''young turks'' squeeze out the dogmatic gerontocracy in Beijing, China is increasingly resorting to ''soft power'' tactics instead of
saber rattling in its mission to unify Taiwan with the mainland, said Steve Chen, Conflict Studies and Research Center Director at Taiwan's Chang Jung Christian University.
New leadership in China could further peace in Taiwan Strait: experts
In his postscript, he credits two 1982 books, Jonathan Schell's The Fate of the Earth and Robert Scheer's With enough Shovels, with helping crystallize opposition to the Reagan administration's s nuclear
saber rattling and its plans for nuclear preparedness through a combination of shelters and population dispersal.
One Nation Underground: The Fallout Shelter in American Culture. (Reviews)
DA Davidson analyst Tom Forte kept his his Buy rating and $1,800 price target on (AMZN), writing that the recent pullback in the stock price due to "
saber rattling" from the White House is a buying opportunity. pullback is a buying opportunity, says DA Davidson
"Moscow's ( nuclear
saber rattling raises troubling questions about Russia's leaders' commitment to strategic stability, their respect for norms against the use of nuclear weapons and whether they respect the profound caution that nuclear-age leaders showed with regard to brandishing nuclear weapons," Carter said.
Possible NATO Expansion Amid Russian Aggression
And so I'm not interested in
saber rattling." But he said he would respond "forcefully and swiftly" to an Iranian attack against Israel or any other US ally, whether conventional or nuclear.
HILL NEEDS BIG WIN TO CARRY ON; Clinton to take Pennsylvania
The Bush administration had to engage in an ever-escalating war of words and
saber rattling, threatening Saddam Hussein with removal if he did not dismantle a prescribed list of missiles and other "weapons of mass destruction."
The UN and Iran: here we go again! An influential U.S. senator has urged the UN Security Council to impose strict sanctions on Iran. As in Iraq, if the UN acts, Americans will pay the freight in blood and money
* A patronizing letter filled with zingers is sent to an opposing attorney, and a settlement gets delayed three months because of the
saber rattling.
The write impression: sloppy, murky writing can cost insurers millions in lost productivity and expose them to bad-faith lawsuits
James Mattoon Scott (Burr Lancaster) tends to confuse bravery with
saber rattling, seeing politicians who would make peace with the enemy as cowards and traitors.
The troubling aspect of the impeachment movement is not the
saber rattling. It is what this movement says about the willingness of Congress to lead on critical issues.
Courting trouble: Congress would rather complain about life-tenured federal judges than make recalcitrant bureaucrats enforce the law