rock on

rock on

An expression of happiness, excitement, or enthusiasm. A: "I hear our class won a trip to Paris!" B: "Rock on! I've always wanted to see Paris!"
See also: on, rock
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • refer to (someone or something)
  • most of all
  • the whole jimbang
  • the whole jingbang
  • much as
  • much as/though
  • swot up (on something)
  • as much as
  • however
References in classic literature
It was in this way that I first heard the right English speech; one fellow as he went by actually clapping his hand upon the sunny face of the rock on which we lay, and plucking it off again with an oath.
Even though they're only in elementary school the sisters from Milford, Connecticut, are already the owners of Rock On, a painted rock business that they accidentally started back in May 2010.
The giving experience felt so good, they decided they would donate a portion of all of Rock On's profits to Get In Touch.
Before taking on the rom- com, Bhagat wrapped up coscripting The 3 Mistakes of My Life , which is being directed by Rock On's Abhishek Kapoor.