

rude slang A thoroughly incompetent, foolish, bumbling, or useless person. Sometimes spelled as a single word. I can't believe that jack-off got elected to the Senate! Get off the road before you kill someone, jackoff!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • schmendrick
  • shmendrick
  • fish
  • lughead
  • lug
  • lummox
  • lummux
  • lommix
  • a case of the blind leading the blind
  • case of the blind leading the blind
References in periodicals archive
Yellow text perks up the carnage: UNION JACK-OFF on u.s.
The Federal Circuit, in In re Boulevard Entertainment, Inc., recently upheld the denial of registration for the marks 1-800-JACK-OFF and JACK-OFF in connection with a phone sex line.
That Gay Show airs features on fun gay spots at cities around the world, explores jack-off clubs in America, and commissions quickie South Park-style animated shorts on topics such as attempts throughout history to "cure" homosexuality.
To judge him, as Penman does, as a "jack-off of all trades and master of none" may be unnecessarily cruel, and overlook those occasions when Zappa could be truly innovative, but this piece acts as a useful antidote to some of the ponderous academic treatises written about his work.
But now there's a lot of jack-off thinkers who just love to talk about the spiritual.
Judith Bernstein's Union Jack-Off on Vietnam Policy, 1967, for example, may not have stopped the war, nor did the New York-based artist presumably imagine otherwise, but given the ferocity of her gestures and grotesquely evocative encrustations of paint--phalluses emerging, keloid-like, from the fat striped red-and-gray ground; bunched-up stockings; collage; American flags; and a detumescent segment that hangs from the base of the panel to lie flaccidly on the floor--one cannot help but respond or admit to complicity.
2003 issue and debated in subsequent issues], since he patronized the same jack-off movie house in New York I did in the early 50's, before he went to Paris.
I won't get into the overdeterminations of the cowpoking, point out how their names might as well be Jack-off and Anus, how the one who certainly bottoms in the film dies by its (his) end, as if scripted by the ideological forces Vito Russo wrote The Celluloid Closet against decades ago, or how the film depends on a stoic inarticulateness in keeping with the unsullied wilderness where it takes place--figures for a proper "natural" masculinity, privileging a forlorn, duplicitous, sacrificial monogamy over the possibility of a point-blank, variegated relationality.