"I have come, if you will excuse me, to ask you a
question about yourself."
Law and the Lady
Although participants may have considered real-life experiences, none of the 68 written responses to the
question about the coin/die game indicated real-life representations as a consideration in the problem utilizing a less social context.
Stochastic misconceptions of pre-service teachers
First, the lawyer asks a
question about what is beyond life here on earth.
Proper 10 July 11, 2004
Those of us who have experienced it know it's the boss asking question after
question about insignificant aspects of our responsibilities, doing parts of other peoples' jobs and not allowing actions to be taken without his approval.
Management riddle
For example, if poorly educated respondents (education = X) have trouble answering a
question about drug attitude (Y), then data are missing at random since it is the trouble answering the question and not the drug attitude per se that is accounting for the missing data.
Methodological techniques for dealing with missing data
The questionnaire also replicated the
question about the person or persons who helped students during the transition to middle school.
Student perceptions of the transition from elementary to middle school
Of the 73 who responded to the
question about presenting their cases in person, 17 (24%) believed they would have been more successful if they had been permitted to give oral arguments.
Students' reactions to written test item rebuttals
Responses such as "don't know" or "can't remember" were coded as "missing." One hundred sixty-one participants gave 293 codable responses to the question about specific help; 103 gave 120 responses to what was not helpful, whereas 58 said explicitly that everything was helpful or the equivalent; 150 gave 152 suggestions for improvement; and 154 indicated 158 follow-through actions, whereas 27 said they had not followed through.
Although 78% of the participants were satisfied overall, analysis of Question 7 showed that 64% answering the question about what was not helpful reported shortcomings.
A Follow-Up of Adult Career Counseling Clients of a University Extension Center
For example, a
question about whether to initiate or continue a particular program may be restated as a larger
question about the needs of clients and the responsibilities of the agency or of the community.
When reporters declare to politicians or other celebrities that "many people" are saying something provocative or asking some embarrassing personal
question about them, what they really mean is "we are saying or asking those provocative things because it's our job to think up hot-button questions," I can't figure out why celebrities don't regularly respond to such queries with, "I haven't heard anyone except you guys say or ask that.
Caveat audiens ("let the listener beware")
Here, for example, was Bush's answer to the question about whether negotiations on establishing a free-trade agreement with Mexico would receive "Fast Track" authority from Congress, meaning Congress would not tinker with the fine print: "That's a slow ball, and the answer is yes.
And with an election coming up next year, what do you intend to do about that?" Instead of asking a pointed question about a specific program, perhaps a question informed by a little reporting, the journalist simply inquires vaguely about the domestic agenda, thereby throwing open the window to an amorphous, buzzing swarm of fly-by-night Bush proposals for the homefront: "I want, as you know, a crime bill.
The flack pack: how press conferences turn serious journalists into shills
A student in the 2004 MST cohort had a
question about how students independently implement the writing process.
Teacher research begins in teacher preparation