

slang A drunkard. The old souse hasn't held down a steady job in nearly 30 years. I enjoy a stiff drink as much as the next person, but that doesn't make me a souse!


slang Drunk. We had about three bottles of wine between us, so we were all pretty soused by the time lunch was finished. We all sat around getting soused on cheap tequila, trading stories of our times together in college.
See also: souse
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. in. to drink excessively; to go on a drinking bout; to get drunk. (see also soused.) Let us retire from the table and souse in the parlor.
2. n. a drinking bout. The souse lasted longer than anyone would have thought.
3. n. a drunkard. The best thing you can do for a souse like John is to take away his car keys.


mod. alcohol intoxicated. (see also souse.) All we need right now is a soused bus driver.
See also: souse
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • sozzler
  • rummy
  • rumdum
  • rum-dum
  • heister
  • lush
  • borachio
  • swill-belly
  • stiff
  • tippler
References in periodicals archive
The hosts restored their lead in the 81st minute, when De Souse brilliantly controlled a long through pass up the right flank.
Gems like "The Foreigner," a darkly brilliant and masterfully efficient piece, are often followed by less mature stories like "The Way Home," where the central character quickly transformas from a hazed, troubled souse to a sentimental father figure.
Coy editing introduces a seemingly separate subplot about a real estate agent named Anette (Karen-Lise Mynster), a middle-aged lonely heart and part-time souse looking for love on a series of disastrous blind dates.
Michelle Lloyd with her husband Anibal Souse and their baby Kyle in the child's room, which was set ablaze by fireworks in a racist attack on Friday.
Meanwhile, I have spent many happy hours driving beside cane fields in dazzling sunshine, swimming in clear, clear sea, hearing stories about childhood misdemeanours and subsequent licks, eating flying fish, souse and macaroni pie and listening to smiling choirs singing about Just a Little Talk with Jesus.
According to the statement, the facility was tied to Noureddine Chouchane, a Tunisian militant who was involved in the two terror attacks that targeted a museum in the Tunisian capital and a resort in Souse.
This last stop-off is a charming and old-fashioned island outpost where I lunched on the local dish of conch souse - chopped shellfish stew - and beef roti, the Caribbean equivalent of a hamburger which is a pancake-wrapped package of minced beef and yam, lightly curried.
IDOL Rory's younger fans BUBBLING Rory gets his own back after pals souse him CROWD PLEASER Rory McIlroy shows cup at Holywood Golf Club yesterday CLUB MATES Pals help Rory celebrate at Holywood Golf Club yesterday
Cold sores often appear if you are unwell or feeling run down and can be triggered by strong sunlight, souse a lip balm containing sunscreen during sunny weather.
SS' so-called buddies acted as if they didn't know the poor souse. No one bothered to help SS, who is notorious for being ill-tempered and rude.
Until last night's game, Charbonnier hadn't conceded a penalty and he was raging at the French referee, Bernard Souse. The keeper refused to shake hands with Souse at the end and said: "I told the referee I didn't touch their player and I'm not a liar.
But Rab is an incorrigible old souse. The greater worry is the young people who are following in his staggering footsteps - and worse.
The former Auxerre star was raging after French referee Bernard Souse awarded the Israeli champions a spot kick in the 16th minute.
His fellow countryman, and referee Bernard Souse had no hesitations as he pointed to the spot.
A Palestinian source reported that the Israeli forces enhanced with bulldozers stormed the area of al-Nahdah east of Rafah amid heavy gunfire and leveled the area, the souses added.