a hard-luck story

a hard-luck story

A typically self-pitying tale of misfortune, hardship, adversity, etc., told especially to gain sympathy or charity from others. Here he goes again with some hard-luck story to get us to pay for his drinks.
See also: story
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a hard-ˈluck story

a story about yourself that you tell somebody in order to get their sympathy or help: He stopped me in the street and told me a long hard-luck story about his wife leaving him. All he really wanted was some money. Don’t give me any of your hard-luck stories, John. I don’t believe them.
See also: story
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • hangdog look
  • hard luck
  • expression
  • hangdog
  • hangdog expression
  • have a rough trot
  • a rough trot
  • be a rough trot
  • keep (one's) pecker up
  • keep your pecker up
References in periodicals archive
WHEN you're a punter every winner is welcome, unless it's Michael Winner, but you can often dine out longer on a hard-luck story.
It's a hard-luck story with a very happy ending, whatever happens at Newbury.
"As I was waiting in the queue, researchers were asking if anyone had a hard-luck story. I explained I had been made redundant only three days before so they picked me to enter the competition."