Extremely dull and boring. If we have to sit through another mind-numbing lecture today, I'm going to need another cup of coffee!
numb out
1. To become numb to one's emotions or outside sensations as a result some physical or psychological stimulus or trauma. As a way of dealing with my depression and anxiety, I spent several years in college just numbing out with booze and video games. A large portion of the population is just numbing out when it comes to voting because they feel like the system is inherently broken.
2. To cause someone to become numb to their emotions or outside sensations as a result some physical or psychological stimulus or trauma. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "numb" and "out." The loss of my daughter in the accident completely numbed me out for the better part of 10 years. My doctor prescribed this medication to help me cope with my anxiety, but I find that it's been really numbing me out, so I might ask her about going off it for a while.
See also: numb, out
numbed out
Rendered totally numb to emotions or sensations by some physical or psychological stimulus or trauma. My doctor prescribed this medication to help me cope with my anxiety, but I find that it's been making me feel really numbed out. The loss of my child in the accident left me completely numbed out for the better part of 10 years.
See also: numb, out
rude slang A buffoon; a foolish, oafish person. Ever since that numbnuts took over the company, we've seen our monthly profits continually plummet. Look at this dent! Some numbnuts obviously slammed their door into my car in the parking lot today. You're in the wrong lane, numbnuts! Move mover!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
numbed out
mod. nearly paralyzed by phencyclidine (PCP). (Drugs.) The teenager was nearly numbed out when they brought her in.
See also: numb, out
n. a jerk; a worthless person. (Usually a male.) Hey, numbnuts! What did you do that for?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- mind-numbing
- shut down emotionally
- boring, silly, etc. in the extreme
- all work and no play
- all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)
- All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
- burg
- a one-horse town
- one-horse town
- numb out