In "Century
Dead Center," a series of thirty prose poems, the presence of the Holocaust permeates all the scenes, whether they be of a "Proud Papa in Brown Shirt holding the Infant Christa" or of the bibliophile whose seemingly clean fingers stain his keyboard red after he peruses Century of Dishonor in a local bookstore.
Century Dead Center
.50 T/C STRIKE PERFORMANCE BULLET POWDER CHARGE (BRAND, BULLET WEIGHT, TYPE) (BRAND) (GRAINS WEIGHT) Harvester Muzzleloader Blackhorn 209 100 260 Scorpion PT Precision Rifle 260
Dead Center Blackhorn 209 100 Federal 270 Trophy Copper Blackhorn 209 100 PowerBelt 295 Aerotip Blackhorn 209 100 VELOCITY GROUP SIZE (FPS) (INCHES) Harvester Muzzleloader 1,900 0.75 260 Scorpion PT Precision Rifle 260
Dead Center 1,875 1.5 Federal 270 Trophy Copper 1,849 3.375 PowerBelt 295 Aerotip 1,844 3.75 Notes: The 0.75-inch grouping of the Scorpion PT isn't too surprising.
Strike! T/C's new .50 caliber in-line muzzleloader is as accurate as many centerfire rifles
Frank agreed to put a distinctive punch mark at top
dead center right in front of where the extension pin is located.
Retention of AR-15 barrel extensions: when building AR-15s, or any firearm, taking simple, proactive steps can avoid future embarrassment
The sole purpose of the impulse, when properly engaged, is to keep the mag momentarily from rotating and firing the spark plug until the piston is a few degrees past
dead center. In this position, the piston is beginning to move downward on the power stroke.
Another theory on the Farmall kick
"At the corner of 18th Street, it's the
dead center of Flatiron's Silicon Alley," Ellman says.
Mark O. Ellman
The Right has moved some crazy ideas from the fringe into the
dead center of political debate because of its willingness to hammer away year after year.
New Party time
The piston, accordingly, compresses for fuel-air mixture only during four-fifths of its travel toward top
dead center.
Manipulating the automobile engine
In fact, the two visible-light and two near-infrared pictures relayed to an Australian radio receiver show Gaspra at
dead center, scientists reported at a briefing last week at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
Galileo snaps first close-up of an asteroid
Not so, says
Dead Center Archery--the makers of the all--new Dead Silent Carbon Series Hunting Stabilizer.
Not created equal
At 7 yards standing with a 2-hand hold, the Hornady load printed a neat 2-inch group,
dead center, firing single action.
The charter arms Pitbull revolver: this rimless 9mm needs no clips
JHP loads I prefer, the pistol shot
dead center at 25 yards.
2" average
As a result, the lever is blocked from returning to
dead center. In some designs, the lever never returns to center position, but is slightly to the left or right when the action is closed.
Winchester Model 37 lever
In the photograph accompanying the November article, and in my photograph, you can see the serial number plate above
dead center of the front axle.
Roadside Revelations
In the catalogue pages, one could see, for instance, four photos of Jane Fonda in four completely different but equally synthetic guises; Pat Buchanan being made up by a cosmetician for a TV appearance; computer morphs of once-human faces; before-and-after bellies and buttocks; and
dead center, a profile view of Michael Jackson, clearly the sun god of this new solar system, who would later be deified by Jeff Koons.
Robert Rosenblum on body doubles