But that doesn't make you bulletproof
in the trouser department. Embarrassingly, I once made my grand entrance on stage with my flies undone.
The last things I bought 5
Someone who has a nanny, a housekeeper and a PA isn't really Superwoman" Businesswoman Nicola Horlick, above, on her nickname "I hope all my gags are clever, whether they are
in the trouser department or in the cerebral department and sometimes those things can be the same thing" Comedian and TV writer Ben Elton "They have got to be ready to say to someone 'Just stop, don't speak to me that way'.
And the female interviewees were adamant that a guy who was well-endowed
in the trouser department was very much on their between-the-sheets wanted list.
It's official: size matters
Not to mention a long way since he had to grin and bare at what he was gifted
in the trouser department.
Voice of the People: Male surgery is on the up
Dr Ian Banks, of Men's Health Forum, which did the poll, said: "To be fully functional
in the trouser department, men should look at losing weight."
Men won't diet for sex
A guest said: "She and Tara were squealing with laughter and Kelly's hand signals suggested that Billy's a big boy
in the trouser department.
ViP: Big Billy gives girls a giggle
An onlooker said: "I heard her mention a celebrity who was huge
in the trouser department. Her language was straight from the street - and not the one in Weatherfield." Tina came in for a shock herself when a radio DJ mooned in front of her.
WHICH spotty actor, who rates himself as a womaniser, hides a hilarious secret
in the trouser department?
Women always told me I was big
in the trouser department but this is a joke.
Irish man of the People: Euro coins are making no cents at all to me; WHINGEOF THE WEEK!
Shop owner Len Rogers, 37, said: "I guess we're looking for a couple of guys who are lacking
in the trouser department.
Big boost for thieves