dead certain

dead certain

Absolutely sure. I'm dead certain that the answer is 42, but you can check the answer key if you want. Elise was dead certain that the wedding started at four, and, had I listened to her, I would have gotten there on time!
See also: certain, dead
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

dead certain

very sure. (Dead means absolutely.) I'm dead certain that horse will win. I bet two hundred on it myself. I didn't believe the rumor at first, but Bill's dead certain that it's true.
See also: certain, dead
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • a dusty answer
  • dusty
  • reply
  • answer purpose
  • answer (one's) purpose
  • answer back
  • answer (one) back
  • rhetorical question
  • answer back to (one)
  • deserve
References in classic literature
"Ole marster found it out, 'ca'se he had to pay two hundred dollahs for Marse Tom's gamblin' debts, en dat's true, Mammy, jes as dead certain as you's bawn."
Macewen saw my father; he told him a bank you had worked for in San Francisco was wiring over the habitable globe to have you collared - that it was supposed you had nailed thousands; and it was dead certain you had nailed three hundred.
Whenever a person says to you that they are as innocent as can be in all concerning money, look well after your own money, for they are dead certain to collar it if they can.
I was dead certain the space inside those walls of brick was thoroughly haunted.
They are dead certain. As for them, keep in mind what Primo Levi, a holocaust survivor, said: 'More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.'
A few of those missed calls could be cries of help, with someone dead certain you will call back.
is about as dead certain of what we think of when we think Doctor Who.
Yakubu only told the police what he had heard, not what he had seen or was dead certain about.
But why is it that some of us are dead certain it's yanny while others are ready to put their reputations on the line for laurel?
We can also be dead certain that the Calinan drainage situation is prevalent in the drainage system in the city's downtown proper.
"We are dead certain there are programs and plans in this community we haven't explored yet," he said.
Because you're both so dead certain you're right that you can't see how being right means you're wrong for each other.
"But to me, it's dead certain it's going to happen."
He's just an unbelievable horseman, a genius really, and in those days he had the likes of Dead Certain and In The Groove as well as the jumpers - he had all those horses, for 5f to Nationals and Gold Cups.
"Dead Certain" is a simply riveting read from beginning to end and clearly reveals author Adam Mitzner as a deftly skilled novelist with an impressive mastery of the mystery suspense genre.