describes the two major families of discourse analysis, including linguistic-based analysis and culturally or socially based discursive practices.
Paul introduces the "body of Christ" metaphor, which we find earlier in Greek and Roman philosophy as a metaphor for the state, the "body politic," to
describe the Christian community (1 Cor 10:17, 11:27-32, 12:27; Rom 12:3-8).
Necessity is laid on me: the birth of mission in Paul
To meet these goals, it is essential for COECs to state clear and measurable objectives; possess appropriate expertise to fulfill its stated objectives; identify specific environmental problems; demonstrate alignment to research strength and focus of the center; identify existing and future partners; prioritize short-, mid-, and long-term activities to be implemented; list and
describe expected products; state anticipated impacts and their significance for environmental public health; and define evaluation tools to measure the impact of core activities.
Environmental Health Sciences Core Center Grants
In the second paragraph of "How Bigger' Was Born" Wright
describes the sources of his imaginative writing as being rooted in a mixture of deeply personal and verifiable public reality: "In a fundamental sense, an Imaginative novel represents the merging of two extremes; it is an intensely intimate expression on the part of consciousness couched in terms of the most objective and commonly known events.
The Loeb and Leopold Case: a neglected source for Richard Wright's native son
Describe the mechanisms used to evaluate the program
CMRA plans awards program to honor top C&D recyclers
RB: I can always
describe paintings in a very explicit way, which might sound comical to someone else.
Ross Bleckner talks to Dan Cameron. ('80s Then)
WS-Trust will provide for direct and third-party-brokered trust relationships through the creation of "security token issuance services." WS-SecureConversation will
describe how a Web service can authenticate requester messages; how requesters can authenticate services; and how to establish mutually authenticated security contexts.
Consortium batches first WS-security specs. (Storage Networking)
There are standards that
describe the physical characteristics of the many lenses used in microfilm equipment.
The value and use of standards in the microfilm industry; no industry that creates, disseminates, and stores information can reach its potential until it establishes standards that will result in product and procedural uniformity. (Management Wise)
When I called Cornelia Dean, editor of science news at The New York Times, she responded that "we try to include in our articles all the information people need to make sense of what is going on." The Times' policy, she said, is to cite the commercial sponsors of newsworthy medical studies, and to ask quoted scientists about "financial ties." But she was very reluctant to discuss the problem any further, and seemed particularly surprised when I mentioned that Times op-ed contributor Jerome Groopman, a noted supporter of unfettered stem-cell and cloning research, is not just "a professor of medicine at Harvard" (as the Times op-ed cutlines
describe him), but is also a board member of Advanced Tissue Sciences Inc., a biotech company in La Jolla, Calif.
Doctor who? Scientists are treated as objective arbiters in the cloning debate. But most have serious skin in the game
The first part of the book
describes how the experts in fields such as music education and psychology
describe and measure musical talent.
Kindling the Spark: Recognizing and Developing Musical Talent
The integration of CocoBase(R) with
Describe provides a proven solution for managing database access by simplifying the process of persisting relational data.
Gigon & Guyer
describe the course of the rampart with a long curving row of vertical steel tubes, close together where archaeology has shown the exact route, further apart where evidence is more sketchy.
Battle lines: creating a memorial to a battle of mythical importance with no obvious surface traces necessitated architectural imagination of great sensitivity which has overlaid past with present, place with narrative, time with space
The scenario below will first
describe the exploration of the GD&T knowledge base; then it will
describe the exploration of interoperability standards for the inspection process.
A knowledge-navigation system for dimensional metrology
For a writer to
describe a work of art to the reader it takes the ability to deconstruct/decode and recreate what lies before him or her.
describe your policies and practices with respect to protecting the confidentiality and security of nonpublic personal information if you do both of the following: