He said: "Sheep are ideal as they
nibble away at encroaching brambles and shrubs that are starting to invade this area."
Heath role for star-grazers
"There is room for Target to
nibble away at the market," Saunders told CNBC.
Target Bites At Walmart's Grocery Share With New Private Label Brand
Software companies could become important Defense Department partners, Barron's says As artificial intelligence, autonomous flying and driving, and cybersecurity play larger roles in warfare, software is likely to
nibble away at the defense budget, too, Jack Hough writes in this week's edition of Barron's.
Software companies could be important Defense Department partners, Barron's says
"Frogs' legs are one of the better-known delicacies of the French Cuisine - every year the French
nibble away at 4,000 tonnes of frogs' legs - and we wanted to let the Huddersfield Food Festival goers have a taste of this slightly more unusual yet tasty French dish."
Getting ready for Gallic gastronomy; French speciality to tickle tastebuds
"No one can conquer that problem, but you can
nibble away at it."
WSU bequest; Alumnus pays generous tribute
(4) 2 Ill (6) 4 Optimism (4) 5 Hard smooth stone used for statues (6) 6 Dull and ordinary (7) 9 Plant with colourful scented flowers (7) 11 Crescent-shaped nut (6) 12 Climb (6) 14 Open-mouthed in awe (4) 15
Nibble away at (4) SOLUTION to Crossword -June 17 ACROSS 1 Dusk, 3 Opaque, 7 Skip, 8 Boxing, 10 Aperitif, 13 Pavilion, 16 Hermit, 17 Bill, 18 Pamper, 19 Fear.
pounds 100 Bonus Crossword
Thefirm'sspokesman Wayne Lincoln said: "Saturday's stubborn Windiesbattingand sloppy England catching saw our clients
nibble away at yesterday's opening Windies runsquoteof319-334,getting braver with their buys as the sessionwenton!
Bestdeals blow tos preadf irm; CRICKET
They retrenched, quietened the garrulous home team and quietly started to
nibble away at the target.
. I'VE eaten enough fish in my time, so maybe I should return the compliment and allow the fish to
nibble away at yours truly.
I'VE eaten enough fish [...]
Originating from the river basins of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, the fish are renowned for the way they
nibble away at dead and damaged skin cells to exfoliate, leaving you with smoother skin after a half an hour treatment.
is it worth it? Claire Rees tried the Garra Rufa fish pedicure at the new Year of the Tiger Health Spa in Penylan, Cardiff
"Dollar and drug stores will continue to
nibble away at the cheese," says Dr.
Smaller slice of the pie
Visitors can sit in comfort while dangling their legs into a tank of water containing around 150 of the toothless carp and let them
nibble away at tough skin flakes.
Feels toe good! Unusual treatment
The problems which subsumed Freedom Direct are facing many other travel companies as the credit crunch continues to
nibble away at our annual break.
Better home thoughts from abroad
The metalworking fluid is poured in and the bugs start to
nibble away at the toxic chemicals.
Hungry bugs in a bucket help metalwork firms clean up act: bacteria eats toxic chemicals in waste fluid and allows for cheaper, greener disposal
In America (where else!) garra ruffa - a toothless water dweller known as "doctor fish" (that's one of the nippers above) -
nibble away at dead skin while leaving healthy flesh untouched.
Somefin to touch your sole