off (someone or something) goes

off (someone or something) goes

Someone or something is departing. A: "The plane is taking off!" B: "Off we go on the adventure of a lifetime!" "Off she goes," Dan muttered, as he watched his baby girl drive away to begin her first semester of college.
See also: goes, off
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

off someone or something goes

someone or something is leaving. (Said on the departure of someone or something.) It's time to leave. Off I go. Sally looked at the airplane taking off and said, "Off it goes."
See also: goes, off
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • (I've) got to take off
  • be off for (something)
  • be off for sth
  • check off
  • break off
  • base off (of) (something else)
  • (Now) where was I?
  • be badly off
  • be well off for (something)
  • be well off for something