off the boil

off the boil

Not as strong, successful, active, etc., as someone or something has proved capable of being; not at one's peak performance or ability. An allusion to water that has stopped boiling and thus begins to lose its maximum amount of heat. Especially used in the phrase "go off the boil." Primarily heard in UK. The former champions of the league seem to be off the boil so far this season. We had a really intense relationship at first, but it's gone off the boil recently.
See also: boil, off
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

off the boil

1. If someone goes off the boil, they are less successful than they were in the past. I concede that I went slightly off the boil last season. It pays to go back to the fundamentals when your game goes off the boil.
2. If a feeling or situation goes off the boil, it becomes less strong or active. If a relationship seems to be going off the boil, it is a good idea to talk about it. Since the riots, discontent had rarely been off the boil; and demonstrations had continued throughout the decade.
See also: boil, off
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

off the ˈboil

(British English) past the time of greatest activity, excitement, etc: The team were playing brilliantly at the start of the season but seem to have gone off the boil now.
See also: boil, off
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • (I) hope not
  • hope not
  • not for a second
  • not for a minute
  • not for a moment
  • aint
  • ain't
  • not for a/one minute/moment/second/instant
  • not for a instant
  • not by any means
References in classic literature
But Hermann's excite ment suddenly went off the boil as when you remove a saucepan from the fire.
Treasury bulls might also be having second thoughts about the recent buying spree as various risk factors noted by Chair Powell are coming off the boil, including the debt limit and U.S.-China trade frictions.
However, it went off the boil a little in season two.
Maybe it's a good thing that he came off the boil a little bit going into Augusta - it will make him go away and analyse what happened.
Hastings, 22, played a major part in the back-to-back Champions Cup triumphs over Lyon but has since gone off the boil as Warriors stumbled to three Pro14 defeats on the trot.
Met lie eighth in the standings, having gone off the boil somewhat following a strong start to the campaign.
If City are off the boil at any point we have to be ready to try and overtake them.
But he has gone off the boil and the striker (left) has not scored in 22 games since netting against West Ham in November.
OFF THE BOIL Star's not fussed for dinner with Kim She loves her talent and thinks she is a really funny woman.
The Brit musician asserted that according to him he will allow himself to record in the studio and he did not want to go off the boil to the point where he was embarrassing himself.
Gone off the boil" - Former England batsman Geoffrey Boycott on the state of the England cricket team.
Jeremy Chardy has gone off the boil since reaching the last eight of the Australian Open in January and Florida resident Xavier Malisse, who retains plenty of ability at 32, is value to thwart the 22nd seed.
Sasikiran, by his own admission, feels he has been off the boil for the last two years, and his performance in this tournament also has not been up to scratch.
Tudno went slightly off the boil in the second period and Ruthin''s Matty Davies pulled one back.
The heat will come off the boil on September 12, when spells of cold air will cool down the country from the sweltering weather and push the mercury down.