older brother

older brother

A male who is older than one or more of his siblings. I'll ask my older brother to help us with the move. Connie's older brother will be there on Saturday, and I'd really like you to meet him. Our neighbor Jim was like an older brother to me when I was growing up.
See also: brother, older
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • big brother
  • brother of the string
  • brother of the quill
  • younger brother
  • be like Ephraim and Menashe
  • noogie
  • a walking dictionary
  • a walking dictionary, encyclopedia, etc.
  • a tough spot
  • a tight corner
References in classic literature
And that same boy - no, his very much older brother -was up at four of the dim dawn in streaming, crackling oilskins, hammering, literally for the dear life, on a bell smaller than the steward's breakfast- bell, while somewhere close at hand a thirty-foot steel stem was storming along at twenty miles an hour!
"You see," she continued, "a younger brother may not take a mate until all his older brothers have done so, unless the older brother waives his prerogative, which Jubal would not do, knowing that as long as he kept them single they would be all the keener in aiding him to secure a mate."
Three children--John, my older brother, Amanda, my sister, and myself--had a pallet on the dirt floor, or, to be more correct, we slept in and on a bundle of filthy rags laid upon the dirt floor.
Shortly after this his older brother, Gansevoort Melville, sailed for England as secretary of legation to Ambassador McLane, and the manuscript was intrusted to Gansevoort for submission to John Murray.
With me they had been like older brothers; had restrained their speech and manners out of care for me, and given me so much good comradeship.
The Avonlea young people had been practicing for weeks, and all the scholars were especially interested in it by reason of older brothers and sisters who were going to take part.
'Please join me and let's take a picture so Noy sees it,' Aquino told Roxas, referring to her older brother, former President Benigno S.
Months later, it was revealed that the cardigan was previously owned by her older brother.
Older Brother is the first of his works to appear in English.
They also had an older brother, Colin, and a sister, Sheila.
He told the court that the older brother produced a handgun and both of them assaulted the victim by stamping on him, punching and kicking him while he was on the ground.
They regularly quarreled over the issue after which one of them involved their older brother, who resided nearby, to settle the matter.
The Bible says Jacob, the younger of Isaac's sons, got the better of his older brother by tricking the old man into blessing him, thereby making away with what rightfully belonged to his older brother Esau.
He was a third child and his older brother Albert was destined to be king, but died when he was only 15.
In his victim impact statement yesterday, he said: "I often thought about killing her as I know it would make life better for my siblings but that would mean they would have to grow up without their older brother and they didn't deserve that.