First you wrap a layer or two of blanket around your body, for a sort of cushion and to keep off the cold iron; then you put on your sleeves and shirt of chain mail -- these are made of small steel links woven together, and they form a fabric so flexible that if you toss your shirt onto the floor, it slumps into a pile like a peck of wet fish-net; it is very heavy and is nearly the uncomfortablest material in the world for a night shirt, yet plenty used it for that -- tax collectors, and reformers, and one-horse kings with a defective title, and those sorts of people; then you put on your shoes -- flat-boats roofed over with interleaving bands
of steel -- and screw your clumsy spurs into the heels.
Connecticut Yankee
A gallant sight was Robin so arrayed, I wot, the glint
of steel showing here and there as the sunlight caught brightly the links of polished mail that showed beneath his green coat.
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
It was a man's face she saw, a face
of steel, tense and immobile; a mouth
of steel, the lips like the jaws of a trap; eyes
of steel, dilated, intent, and the light in them and the glitter were the light and glitter
of steel.
The Game
For defence each man wore a coat of interlaced leathern thongs, strengthened at the shoulder, elbow, and upper arm with slips
of steel. Greaves and knee-pieces were also of leather backed by steel, and their gauntlets and shoes were of iron plates, craftily jointed, So, with jingle of arms and clatter of hoofs, they rode across the Bridge of Avon, while the burghers shouted lustily for the flag of the five roses and its gallant guard.
The White Company
Where Jurgis worked there was a machine which cut and stamped a certain piece
of steel about two square inches in size; the pieces came tumbling out upon a tray, and all that human hands had to do was to pile them in regular rows, and change the trays at intervals.
He heard the Highland battle-cry and the clash
of steel on steel, for fighting came near his home, and his own people joined the standard of the Pretender.
English Literature For Boys And Girls
"Yonder Woodpecker has a bill
of steel, and he can use it well," said the councillor to him who stood by him.
Nada The Lily
Steel Dynamics operates three steelmaking mini-mills that produce a wide range
of steel products, including flat-rolled products, such as hot-rolled, cold-rolled and coated steels; wide-flange beams and H-piling; rail; and special-bar-quality round bars.
SDI to acquire Roanoke Electric Steel
What's happening is that there is a comparatively new class
of steel, ultra high strength steel, or advanced high strength steel (AHSS), materials with yield strengths in excess of 550 MPa.
Better vehicles through steel: advances are being made in steel that can lead to better, safer, more fuel-efficient vehicles--without taking a huge economic hit. (Materials)
Inventory adjustments may have had their desired effect in terms
of steel and ferrous scrap pricing.
Claims and adjustments
Current areas of interest include combined heat treatment and stress/strain analyses to examine quench cracking problems and stress relief during tempering, lost foam casting
of steel and the pouring of thin-walled steel castings.
Use Simulation to Analyze Macrosegregation, Hot Tears, Heat Treatment in Steel Castings
In addition to being easy to recycle, the long shelf life and practically tamper-proof quality
of steel cans are among the advantages mentioned by Gerri Walsh, manager of recycling at can manufacturer and CFA member Ball Corp., Broomfield, Colo.
Can do: steel contends with competition from plastic to hold on to its share of packaging markets
So the Automotive Applications Committee of American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) initiated the UltraLight Steel Auto Body (ULSAB) program, which was joined by a number
of steel companies from other countries.
Better car building through steel (But not the material you're familiar with). (On Materials)
Harrison Steel, a foundry in west central Indiana that manufactures parts for off-road mining and earth moving equipment, has conducted many trials aimed at improving the quality
of steel castings, and John D.
Steel foundries gather to improve casting performance
In the week ending May 28, domestic mills produced slightly less than 2 million tons
of steel, dropping nearly 5 percent below the previous week's production level.
First cut is the deepest