So, in conclusion,
let the buyer beware is the general rule.
Did you get what you paid for? Caveat emptor stands for the proposition that a purchaser takes a property, with all defects of quality and condition, as he or she finds it
"We want to send a clear message to these irresponsible proxy purchasers (
let the buyer beware."
Shop idiots who buy teens booze
It would be prudent to apply the ancient doctrine of caveat emptor (
let the buyer beware).
Pig in a poke
Most people are familiar with the Latin phrase, Caveat emptor, "
Let the buyer beware." But few can tell you how to say, "Let the seller beware." The law focuses on the buyer because it is assumed that the typical buyer needs protection.
For sale? How have unprecedented metals prices affected the value of your company?
In an interview with Risk & Insurance[R] last December, he promised that Marsh would not follow a strategy of caveat emptor, or "
let the buyer beware," when it came to servicing buyers.
Dwellers of the valley of the rifts: "buyer beware" need not apply henceforth, proclaims Marsh's new CEO. Yet Aon's chairman beseeches buyers to simply "be aware."
Unfortunately, the Web does not allow technology buyers to forget the warning, "
Let the buyer beware." Potential buyers are frequently a bit befuddled amid software vendors making grandiose soup-to-nuts claims with a barrage of Web-tech jargon.
Policy administration systems: negotiating the Web of confusion: translating Web hype into reality is critical
I've been nominated for a 2005 Grammy Award for my album notes accompanying
Let the Buyer Beware, a six-CD Bruce anthology.
Geezerstock: confessions of an aging hippie
Let the buyer beware," adds Samsung director of sales and marketing Tim Sheehan.
What's inexpensive, indispensable
Let the buyer beware. The baby boomers of my generation were simply prescribed amphetamines for weight loss.
Health and fitness for life
According to the Legal Information Institute, caveat emptor is a Latin phrase for "
let the buyer beware." This phrase projects the idea that buyers should take responsibility for the condition of items they purchase and should examine them before purchase.
Caveat emptor. (Risk Management)
At a time when regulatory scrutiny of long-term care facilities, as well as the imposition of major fines and penalties, have increased, the purchaser of a long-term care facility should heed the ancient adage caveat emptor--"
let the buyer beware."
Avoiding the pitfalls in purchasing SNFs: some daunting challenges for nursing homes have made this a buyer's market but a poorly crafted purchase agreement can only add to the difficulties
Newman of the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Md., "The bottom line remains caveat emptor," or
let the buyer beware.
Herbal lottery: what's on a dietary supplement's label may not be what's in the bottle
Steroid replacers:
Let the buyer beware. National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal, 14(1), 14-19.
From Ephedra to creatine: using theory to respond to dietary supplement use in young athletes
Of course, the usual pay with cash or check ("you look like a good crowd, so we know them checks'll be good"), and nothing is to be removed until "you've settled up." Unless otherwise indicated, all items will sell "where is as is." That's farm jargon for "
let the buyer beware." Finally, he reminds the crowd that the local Methodist church is serving lunch and that a Port-A-Potty is located out back.
The farm auction. (Country life)
* Certification: There are two types of certified cars, so
let the buyer beware. There are manufacturer certified cars that are backed by automakers such as Ford, BMW, and Toyota, and dealer certified cars, which are reconditioned and backed solely by the dealer.
Luxury drives us: want a fancy car? Then get one at a price you fancy. (Consumer Life)