The couple is like the
opposite sides of the same coin. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be challenged to make bigger changes to their lives this year.
Prince William Will Take More Work From Queen This Year
opposite sides of the same coin if you're looking at longer-term prosperity.
Leadership and Business Wisdom - The Transnational Company
They exist on
opposite sides of the same coin for us.
Enter Shikari to play Liverpool as part of huge UK tour; Tickets are due to go on sale on Friday for the band's longest tour to date
Only Guerrero and shipmate Jeronimo de Aguilar were ever heard from by their countrymen again, and Calder does an expert job positioning these two men as
opposite sides of the same coin.
A Hero for the Americas; The Legend of Gonzalo Guerrero
Megamind (Friday 27, BBC1, 4.10pm) METRO Man (Brad Pitt) and Megamind (Will Ferrell) are
opposite sides of the same coin - two former babies from different sides of the age-old social divide.
New gems and old faves; GRAHAM YOUNG takes a look at the top TV films on the box this Christmas
Jean-Guy, in particular, finds that one of the monks in particular is so like him that they are like
opposite sides of the same coin. The rift in the monastery is mirrored by the one inside the Surete itself, with its roots going back some time, exacerbated by horrific events described in an earlier book in the series, its effects, both physical and emotional, still felt by both Gamache and Beauvoir.
The Beautiful Mystery
Understand that being a survivor and being a victim are
opposite sides of the same coin; both are predicated upon dragging around the past.
Boston Tragedy: What Happens Next Matters Most
Heads of KM and heads of innovation seem to come from different planets, rather than
opposite sides of the same coin. Knowledge is the catalyst to innovation, but very few KM practitioners have innovation on their agenda, and many innovation managers practice KM without realizing it.
KM Asia: the top 10 takeaways
The rights to life and to dignity are not competing rights; rather, they are '
opposite sides of the same coin'.
Euthanasia--no dignity in death in the absence of an ethos of respect for human life
What is illegal is to 'aid, abet, counsel or procure the suicide of another.' I see suicide as a 'human right' on a par with that of the right to life -
opposite sides of the same coin. An able-bodied person has the right to commit or attempt suicide; severely physically disabled people are denied it.
Suicide should be 'a human right like life' Mailbag
Destruction and creation are
opposite sides of the same coin.
Destruction can bring life; VIEWPOINTS
Risk taking, failure and disappointment happen every day in the grown-up world and all are linked to success and achievement; they are
opposite sides of the same coin.
Putting our kids at risk
opposite sides of the same coin, yet most people judge those who over rather than under eat as somehow less deserving of sympathy.
RIN talking WM sense
However, they can be seen as
opposite sides of the same coin. Natural products are mild medicines, and use non-synthetic agents to work with the body chemistry to reach a desired end.
Medicine for the third millennium: an historical perspective
Work and play for adults are, of course,
opposite sides of the same coin since the energy invested in one can only be salvaged from time stolen from the other.
Children and globalization