
Related to recall: Total Recall

a word (once) spoken cannot be recalled

It is impossible to withdraw one's words or undo their effects once they have been spoken aloud. A: "I told her I was sorry for what I said. I was only joking, but I should have known better." B: "It's going to take more than that to win her back. A word spoken cannot be recalled." Remember that a word once spoken cannot be recalled, so you must choose what you say very carefully when you stand before the council.
See also: cannot, recall, spoken, word

a word (once) spoken is past recalling

It is impossible to withdraw one's words or undo their effects once they have been spoken aloud. A: "I told her I was sorry for what I said. I was only joking, but I should have known better." B: "It's going to take more than that to win her back. A word spoken is past recalling." Remember that a word once spoken is past recalling, so you must choose what you say very carefully when you stand before the council.
See also: past, recall, spoken, word

as far as I (can) recall/remember

To the extent that I am able to remember. Piper is off today, as far as I can recall. As far as I remember, we need this part of the project done by Wednesday.
See also: far, recall, remember

beyond recall

Impossible to change, reverse, retrieve, or restore. The union is immovable on the issue, so it looks like a workers' strike is beyond recall now. Your truck's engine is completely shot; I'm afraid it's beyond recall at this point.
See also: beyond, recall

recall from (something)

1. To be able to remember someone or something from some event, location, or previous point in time. I recall from my childhood a place beside the lake where my friends and I used to spend our summers. I think I recall him from a television show I used to watch. I recall a few things about that from my last job.
2. To summon, request, or call someone back from some place or thing. We've already recalled our workers from the offices there. The prime minister announced that he would be recalling all foreign aides and ambassadors from the region until the unrest began to settle.
3. To jolt or restore someone back to clarity of mind from some mental lapse. The sound of the chalk screeching on the board recalled me from my daydream. Use these smelling salts to recall her from her stupor.
4. To command or request that a product be returned to a manufacturer from something or some place. The company was forced to recall the product from store shelves after a third case of poisoning came to light. The automaker is recalling their newest model of sedan after a major concern about its airbag system was raised with regulators.
See also: recall

recall to (someone or something)

1. To cause someone to remember or think about something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "recall" and "to." The tune on the radio recalls to me my time spent in Paris as an undergraduate. One scene in particular recalled an event to me that I hadn't thought about in nearly 20 years.
2. To summon, request, or call someone back to some place or thing. A noun or pronoun is used between "recall" and "to." The specialist recalled me to her office in Chicago for a follow-up evaluation. The president has recalled our ambassadors back to the United States, effective immediately.
3. To jolt or restore someone back to some clear, focused, or purposeful state of mind. A noun or pronoun is used between "recall" and "to." Her impassioned letter recalled me to a sense of purpose I hadn't felt in years. Use these smelling salts to recall her to consciousness.
See also: recall

recall to mind

To cause one to remember or think about something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "recall" and "to." The tune on the radio recalls to mind my time spent in Paris as an undergraduate. One scene in particular recalled an event to mind that I hadn't thought about in nearly 20 years.
See also: mind, recall
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

recall someone from something

to call someone back from something or some place. The president recalled our ambassador from the war-torn country. I was recalled from retirement to help out at the office.
See also: recall

recall someone or something from something

to remember someone or something from some event or some place. I recall someone by that name from my days at the university. Mary recalled the appropriate fact from her history studies.
See also: recall

recall something to mind

to cause [someone] to remember something. The events of the day recall similar days in the past to mind. This book recalls a similar book published some years ago to mind.
See also: mind, recall

recall something to someone

to bring something to the mind of someone. Your comments recall another event to me—something that happened years ago. What you just said recalled an old saying to me.
See also: recall

word (once) spoken is past recalling

Prov. Once you have said something, you cannot undo the result of having said it. Hilary apologized for having called Mark's suit cheap, but Mark was still offended. A word once spoken is past recalling.
See also: past, recall, spoken, word
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

beyond recall

Irreversible, irretrievable, as in We can't repair this screen-it's beyond recall, or It's too late to cancel our plans-they're beyond recall. This idiom employs recall in the sense of revoking or annulling something. [Mid-1600s]
See also: beyond, recall
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

beyond reˈcall

impossible to bring back to the original state; impossible to remember: When the plans to build the new highway were announced, we knew that the beautiful landscape around our house would soon be damaged beyond recall.
See also: beyond, recall
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • a word (once) spoken cannot be recalled
  • a word (once) spoken is past recalling
  • word spoken is past recalling
  • aloud
  • at (one's) expense
  • at expense
  • at somebody's expense
  • at someone's expense
  • at doorstep
  • at (one's) doorstep
References in periodicals archive
The "FDA Recalls - Before You Start, and After You Finish" conference has been added to's offering.
What are the ground for a recall petition?According to lawyer Waikwa Wanyoike, a recall petition can be filed over violation of the Leadership and Integrity law as provided for in the Constitution."The Constitution provision on recall expects that a recall petition can be based on any aspect of leadership and integrity under Chapter Six or generally on objective grounds of voters' loss of confidence and trust with their elected representative," said Mr Wanyoike.
* If your pharmacist confirms that your product is affected by the recall, see if they can exchange it for you with an unaffected product from another manufacturer.
In the UK only 10 per cent of voters are required to make a recall petition valid.
The organization is registered with the SOS as a political issues committee, and legitimizes the efforts put forth in the Recall of Colorado Governor Jared Polis.
Automotive recalls have become some of the most expensive and large-scale of product recalls due to the use of many common components, AGCS said, noting that a single recall can affect a whole industry, bringing significant reputational and financial damage.
These vehicles were recalled keeping in mind the safety of the user and other drivers on the road.
Some may feel like they're seeing more recalls, according to FDA.
That was just one of several recalls last year to generate panic -- and press.
The 2017 NHTSA report to Congress, "Vehicle Safety Recall Completion Rates Report," shows that roughly two-thirds of vehicles recalled by major, light-vehicle manufacturers between 2010 and 2014 were remedied, leaving one-third incomplete.
'The scope and methodology [for recall polls] is considered deficient because it exempts congressmen and should cover all elected officials,' Casiple told the BusinessMirror.
The good news for manufacturers: Independent agents are in a great position to help protect their manufacturing clients from the stress and potential financial impacts of a product recall.
They must now insist that recall response plans are in place before a recall happens, or risk spending millions of dollars to correct preventable missteps.
Leila de Lima has filed a bill to update the grounds for a recall election to stop elective public officials from perpetuating themselves to power.