No, thank you; to
meet death one needs no letters of introduction.
Anna Karenina
We may expect to
meet Death Larsen on the Japan coast.
The Sea Wolf
He had now cast from him the last vestige of his loyalty for his employer, and thus freed had determined to use every means within his power to win Professor Maxon's daughter, and with her the heritage of wealth which he knew would be hers should her father, through some unforeseen mishap,
meet death before he could return to civilization and alter his will, a contingency which von Horn knew he might have to consider should he marry the girl against her father's wishes, and thus thwart the crazed man's mad, but no less dear project.
The Monster Men
But he felt strong in God to
meet death, rather than betray the helpless.
Uncle Toms Cabin
``I am fitter to
meet death than thou art,'' answered the Disinherited Knight; for by this name the stranger had recorded himself in the books of the tourney.
For the parents who had taught one child to
meet death without fear, were trying now to teach another to accept life without despondency or distrust, and to use its beautiful opportunities with gratitude and power.
Little Women
I ought to
meet death on the same spot where happiness was once all my own."
Count of Monte Cristo
I knew that I could
meet death bravely enough if it but came in the form of some familiar beast or man--anything other than the hideous and uncanny Mahars.
At the Earths Core
How dreary to
meet death, surrounded by their cold faces!
Wuthering Heights
And oh, my dear, if it is to be that I must
meet death at any hand, let it be at the hand of him that loves me best.
He shared these views on Saturday while talking to Journalists here in Quetta added Prime Minister Imran should understand the movement when human's soul
meet death because no in this world can hide from his/her death,
Hafiz Hussain reacts on PM's death statement
Watching her
meet death row inmates as their lethal injection date looms is as chilling as it is gripping.
Piers is a pain in the backside and teases me constantly but I have learned from him and I trust him with lots of secrets; susanna reid on sofa sparring partner
Do you want to
meet death with devotion, love, a sense of adventure, or do you want to rage against the failing light?
Future Corpses reminds us: Death isn't an If
Murray observes that physicians tend to
meet death in the eye: 'For all the time they spend fending off the deaths of others, they tend to be fairly serene with death themselves.
How doctors die
When the sanctity of life was destroyed, said a panel of five judges headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra, "Should we not allow them to cross the door and
meet death with dignity?
India allows living wills, passive euthanasia in landmark ruling