the march of time

the march of time

The steady, unstoppable advancement of time. Some people despair at the march of time, as they see themselves aging in the mirror, but I relish growing older and seeing the world change.
See also: march, of, time
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • (it's) time to go
  • (it's) time to cruise
  • any time means no time
  • against time
  • against the clock
  • any time
  • (it's) time to run
  • anytime
  • (it's) time to push along
  • (it's) (a)bout time
References in classic literature
In spite of appearances, she was unwilling to present any outward acknowledgment of the march of time. Her hair was palpably dyed--her hat was jauntily set on her head, and ornamented with a gay feather.
Which things, aided by the march of time, had turned George's tastes towards the healthy, open-air girl, who did things instead of dropping them.
Just with the march of time, (the existing student union) no longer addresses the needs of our students, Wheeler said.
When I was happy in my prime, And everything was so sublime, I did not fear the march of time. When I started to go grey, But still went off to work each day, The future seemed so far away.
My biggest problem is the march of time, the fact I will end up going grey, be a little fat man and won't be able to wear trainers and look cool.
Revisiting The March of Time, a radio series of the 1930s and '40s, Schwartz briefly examines the fluid border between drama and journalism in the earliest years of these two different broadcast genres.
The competition, titled The March of Time, had a theme of spring and stories had to be up to 1,000 words long.
Memory lanes everywhere have been demolished and the march of time has erased almost all traces of older working class culture.
"The march of time has changed our guest's requirements and we have found that today all our guests expect en-suite rooms, free Wi-Fi and free parking, which we do of course provide.
launched what it called "a new kind of pictorial journalism," a monthly newsreel called The March of Time. The company was wagering that the conventional wisdom was wrong: Moviegoers were eager to be informed as well as entertained.
The forgetfulness accompanying the march of time may be reversible - in mice at least.
The march of time left him struggling to remember dealings with Rebekah Brooks and Rupert Murdoch.
A source said: "He's music's ultimate survivor but not even the Keith Richards can stop the march of time.
And with the march of time, fewer and fewer people are left who remember the Second World War.
A little thing I've noticed That marks the march of time Not going grey or slowing down I cope with them just fine It's not the increased wrinkles Or the hair growing in my ears It's how often nowadays My eyes fill up with tears I hear a piece of music And I feel my spirits rise Then before I know it Teardrops fill my eyes.