
  • (one's) old lady
  • a bag lady
  • a ladies' man
  • a lady of leisure
  • Athanasian wench
  • boss lady
  • break it up
  • couldn't happen to a nicer (person)
  • Covent Garden lady
  • dragon lady
  • faint heart never won fair lady
  • foxy lady
  • it ain't over till/until the fat lady sings
  • it ain't/it's not over till the fat lady sings
  • it isn't over till the fat lady sings
  • it isn't over till/until the fat lady sings
  • it isn't over until the fat lady sings
  • it's not over till/until the fat lady sings
  • ladies and gentlemen
  • ladies first
  • ladies' man
  • ladies' night
  • ladies' room
  • ladies who lunch
  • ladies'/lady's man
  • ladies’ room
  • lady bear
  • Lady Bountiful
  • lady garden
  • lady killer
  • Lady Luck
  • Lady Muck
  • lady of easy virtue
  • lady of leisure
  • lady of pleasure
  • lady of the evening
  • lady of the night
  • Lady Snow
  • ladybug, ladybug, fly away home
  • ladyfinger
  • lady-killer
  • man/woman/gentleman/lady of leisure
  • methinks the lady doth protest too much
  • old lady
  • one heck of a (something or someone)
  • one hell of a (something or someone)
  • so's your old lady
  • the lady doth protest too much
  • the lady doth protest too much, methinks
  • the lady of the house
  • the lady or the tiger
  • the little lady
  • the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street
  • till the fat lady sings
  • until the fat lady sings
  • when the fat lady sings
  • you heard the lady
  • young lady
References in classic literature
The one advantage of playing with fire, Lady Caroline, is that one never gets even singed.
I have finished my writing for the day, Lady Hunstanton.
My Lady Steyne knows that appearances are sometimes against the best of women; that lies are often told about the most innocent of them.
"You may strike me if you like, sir, or hit any cruel blow," Lady Gaunt said.
Wealth and station, added to these, soon floated her upward, and for years now my Lady Dedlock has been at the centre of the fashionable intelligence and at the top of the fashionable tree.
My Lady Dedlock, having conquered HER world, fell not into the melting, but rather into the freezing, mood.
At first sight Lady Janet had yielded to the fascination of the noble and interesting face.
"May I go into the conservatory, Lady Janet?" she asked.
The hurry in which Jones had been all day engaged on account of his poor landlady and her family, the terrors occasioned by Mrs Honour, and the confusion into which he was thrown by the sudden arrival of Lady Bellaston, had altogether driven former thoughts out of his head; so that it never once occurred to his memory to act the part of a sick man; which, indeed, neither the gaiety of his dress, nor the freshness of his countenance, would have at all supported.
Lady Bellaston no sooner entered the room, than she squatted herself down on the bed: "So, my dear Jones," said she, "you find nothing can detain me long from you.
"Well trained?" Lady Lydiard repeated, as if the expression was perfectly unintelligible to her.
Pickwick, grasping the old lady's hand, and speaking so loud that the exertion imparted a crimson hue to his benevolent countenance--'I assure you, ma'am, that nothing delights me more than to see a lady of your time of life heading so fine a family, and looking so young and well.'
"The funeral should have been deferred, lest Lady Eleanore's spirits be affected by such a dismal welcome."
Delamayn interfered once more, in the interests, this time, of the lady of the house.
Seeing that my lady took an interest in the out-of-door work, and the farms, and such like, I took an interest in them too-- with all the more reason that I was a small farmer's seventh son myself.