

slang A physician or medical clinic that one is able to access on a walk-in basis or at any time of day. A play on "McDonald's," the fast food chain, and "doctor." She decided to join a growing number of McDoctors who work in urgent care clinics. There's a McDoctor on Main Street if you want to go in for a checkup. You might be stuck in the waiting room for a while, but it's free.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and McDoc(s)
n. a jocular term for a walk-in, emergency medical clinic as found in shopping malls. (see also doc(s)-in-a-box.) They took the kid to McDoctors, or whatever it is, over in the mall.


See McDoctors
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • McDoc
  • McDocs
  • McDoctors
  • McD's
  • McDuck
  • McDuck’s
  • McDuck's
  • Mickey D’s
  • Mickey D's
  • McD
References in periodicals archive
For example, the recently coined English Nominal prefix Mc-, from McDonalds fast-food, which specifies that an object/individual is cheap and of low quality (McBook, McDoctor, etc.); or the English Nominal irregular plural suffix -z, used exclusively in typed English on the Internet to indicate the dubious legal status of an entity (gamez, passwordz, filez, etc.).