like fun

like fun

A phrase used to convey one's impassioned denial or refusal of something. Primarily heard in US. A: "I don't care what you say, Mom—I'm going to that party!" B: "Like fun you are!" A: "He says he's got five years' experience in marketing." B: "Like fun he has—he was a telemarketer for five years!"
See also: fun, like
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

like fun

Not really, certainly not. For example, She said she'd been skiing for years-like fun she had! or Do I want to eat raw oysters-like fun I do. This expression originated in the early 1800s with a quite different meaning, "energetically" or "vigorously," a sense now obsolete. Its present sense dates from the 1900s. Also see for fun.
See also: fun, like
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

like fun

1 vigorously or quickly. dated British 2 an ironic exclamation of contradiction or disbelief in response to a statement. dated, chiefly North American
See also: fun, like
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • (not) care a toss
  • be (not) all beer and skittles
  • break the bank
  • break the bank, to
  • bully for
  • bully for somebody!
  • Bully for you!
  • be (not) as black as (someone or something) is painted
  • (not) care a fig
  • fig