

old-fashioned A shortening of "marvelous." A: "We should have it ready for you by this evening." B: "That'd be marvy!" This party should be marvy, judging by the amount of money they're spending on its preparations.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. marvelous. It’s just grand! Marvy!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • prostie
  • prosties
  • same old
  • reg
  • cig
  • cuz
  • clitty
  • (one) is on the DL
  • sesh
  • et seq.
References in periodicals archive
US communications holding company AT&T (NYSE:T) on Wednesday announced that it has appointed Marvy Moore as vice president and general manager for Georgia/South Carolina
For example, only spirits consumption was significantly related to changes in liver cirrhosis mortality in a beverage-specific times-series analysis of five English-speaking countries conducted by Kerr, Fillmore, and Marvy (2000) and to suicide and homicide mortality in similar studies of Russia by Razvodovsky (2009) and Stickley and Razvodovsky (2011), whereas both spirits and beer had significant effects on homicide and suicide in a study of Sweden and Norway carried out by Norstrom and Rossow (1999).
(6) See Paul Marvy & Laura Klein Abel, Current Developments in
Just Marvy silhouette magnet, available from All About Dance, $5.25,
(1.) Paul Marvy and Rebecca Sandefur have put together the most
1507 (2004); Paul Marvy & Debra Gardner, A Civil Right to Counsel for the Poor, HUM.
Chance, in this situation, wrecks Pointsman's plan: the men hired to castrate Slothrop make a mistake and "operate" on Major Dwayne Marvy. Trying to end the history of bombs falling on London that Pointsman thinks is in Slothrop's hands/testicles, Pointsman ends up completely disillusioned, proving that reality and history cannot be controlled: there is nothing but "'events,' newly created one moment to the next?
According to Marvy, within 15 years of the end of World War II, Red Hook's population had plunged from 50,000 to 15,000.
His proudest possession is his iFridge, a mucho marvy device that's hooked up to the net via his broadband pipe.
Marvy Harvey: Miramax's 40 nominations, including the nine Hours bids shared with Paramount, breaks the distrib's previous record haul of 24 in 1998 (when it had two pic nominees--eventual winner Shakespeare in Love and Life Is Beautiful), but falls short of United Artists' 45 bids in 1940, when the studio claimed half of the 10 picture nominees.
One recent study (Kerr, Fillmore, and Marvy 2000) shows that per capita consumption of both beer and ethanol has been greater for Australians than for Americans every year since 1953 (which was the first year statistics were available).
The lunch sacks are machine-washable and are perfect for personalization, since each set contains two plain sacks and four Marvy fabric markers for kids to unleash their creativity!
If only she didn't find herself also snogging Dave the Laugh, life would be marvy. This anthem to misspent youth will strike a chord with all teenage girls and induce giggling nostalgia in their mothers.
The narrative makes this clear by connecting Slothrop's American innocence to the ugliest of Americans, Major Marvy. In some ways, Marvy is Slothrop's opposite, "Their" willing organ who chases Slothrop through the Zone, the object of countercultural pie-throwing, the avatar of abusive power.