They may recall the title quotes Burns' poem "To a Mouse" giving the common saying: "
The best-laid schemes o'mice an' men / Gang aft agley (i.e.
Money talks but what about the vulnerable? VIEWPOINTS Write to: Viewpoints, M.E.N, Mitchell Henry House, Hollinwood Avenue, Oldham, OL9 8EF Or email:
THE BEST-LAID schemes of mice and men "gang aft agley," as Robert Burns would have it--or "often go awry," as it's generally translated into English.
An Unusual Self-Defense Gun: If you can't get to your ideal self-defence gun when things go bad, be prepared to go with what you can grab
Rangers striker Kenny Miller walked through the front door on Saturday night, checked the Barcelona result against Deportivo La Coruna and knew
the best-laid schemes don't always go to plan.
Even Barca don't always win at home; RANGERS NO PANIC AT SLIP-UPS Miller insists best teams in world can have an off day
Many more of us have read our Robbie Burns and know full well that "
the best-laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley".
Muddling through the next year; Views of the North
mouse grounding a powerful jet aircraft brought to mind the wisdom of Robert Burns's poem To A Mouse: "
The best-laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft agley, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, for promis'd joy!"
To the Point; your letters
The best-laid schemes of mice and men, as Robert Burns reminded us, often go awry.
Low card count could land us a Riviera touch; KEVIN PULLEIN
As the poet said, even
the best-laid schemes go astray.
The art of improvisation: a sense of humor and the ability to think on your feet can be valuable assets in the grocery business
Robbie Burns would have done well to have rewritten his famous line: "
The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men gang aft agley" replacing it with the best-laid plans of mice and pregnant women.
Rosey Hamilton column
But Mousie, thou art no alane In proving foresight may be vain
The best-laid schemes o' mice and men
Mouse of the rising songstress; Scots folk singer Karine Polwart receives an unwelcome visitor
The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men, 'Gang aft agley, 'An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, 'For promis'd joy!...'
New Year vows that disappear with the hangover; RESOLUTIONS 2004...AND 3 WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION
But if odds-on winners can end up last and long-time losers romp home first, perhaps the runaway favourite in the race to be SNP leader is worriedly reflecting that it's not just
the best-laid schemes of horses and bookies that can 'gang aft agley'.
SELINA SCOTT: I'm not betting on smar t Alex
Yet, "
The best-laid schemes o' mice and men/ Gang aft a-gley." In Ernest's eyes--their gaze directly on his own needs, his career--now she'd been untrue.
It's the time to celebrate the birth of Christ, not Robert Burns, but
the best-laid schemes and all that.
GET YOUR PARTY HEARTS ON; Jambos defy Scrooge Vlad and celebrate
THE item about a wee .mouse grounding a powerful jet aircraft brought to mind the wisdom of Robert Burns's poem To A Mouse: "
The best-laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft agley, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, for promis'd joy!" Bill Potter Washington Tyne & Wear If you'd like a mention for one of your friends or relatives, write to or email Readers' Birthdays at the address below.
Reading the riot act To the Point; yourletters