
  • fly a kite
  • fly across (something)
  • fly apart
  • fly around
  • fly at (someone or something)
  • fly away
  • fly beneath (the/someone's) radar
  • fly blind
  • fly by
  • fly by the seat of (one's) pants
  • fly from (someone or something)
  • fly high
  • fly in
  • fly in the face of (something)
  • fly in the teeth of (something)
  • fly into (someone or something)
  • fly into a rage
  • fly into a temper
  • fly into the face of danger
  • fly kites
  • fly light
  • fly off
  • fly off at a tangent
  • fly off the handle
  • fly off with (someone or something)
  • fly out
  • fly out of (some place)
  • fly over (someone or something)
  • fly past (someone or something)
  • fly the coop
  • fly the flag
  • fly the nest
  • fly under (the/someone's) radar
  • fly up to (some place)
  • straighten up and fly right
  • the feathers fly
  • the fur flies
References in classic literature
Then the Swallow flew back to the Happy Prince, and told him what he had done.
When day broke he flew down to the river and had a bath.
When the moon rose he flew back to the Happy Prince.
They came out of the eggs daily, and laughed at him at once, then off they soon flew to be humans, and other birds came out of other eggs, and so it went on forever.
So six of them took the end of the string in their beaks and flew away with it; and to his amazement it flew after them and went even higher than they.
The thing flew quite steadily at a pace of about three miles an hour, in a wide circle, making a deep hum that, would have drowned his full, rich voice completely had he not provided himself with a megaphone.
And having assured himself that he had been understood, he rose amidst cheers and shouting and patriotic cries, and then flew up very swiftly and easily into the south-eastern sky, rising and falling with long, easy undulations in an extraordinarily wasp-like manner.
And so the glutton joined the party, and the ship mounted again into the air, and flew up and onward, till the Simpleton from his outlook saw a man walking by the shore of a great lake, and evidently looking for something.
And so the mighty drinker was added to the company; and the ship flew farther, and even farther, till again the Simpleton looked out, and this time he saw a man dragging a bundle of wood, walking through the forest beneath them.
The other four wings were then fastened to the buggy, two on each side, for the buggy must bear the weight of the children and the Wizard as it flew through the air.
So the horse gave a groan, flopped its four wings all together, and flew away from the platform.
"The way I flew? Do you know, Jane, I sometimes wonder whether I ever did really fly."
They are now embarked on the great adventure of the night when Peter flew in looking for his shadow.
The bees came and found no one but the Woodman to sting, so they flew at him and broke off all their stings against the tin, without hurting the Woodman at all.
He flew close to the Witch and said, "You have called us for the third and last time.