pond scum

pond scum

1. A layer of freshwater algae that forms on the surface of still, stagnating water (such as a pond). I pushed him into the water, and he came out covered in slimy, stinking pond scum.
2. An extremely repugnant, vile, wretched person. You're worse than a rat, worse than a maggot—you're nothing but pond scum! I would never let my daughter date pond scum like you!
See also: pond, scum
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

pond scum

n. a mean and wretched person; a worthless male. (Collegiate. An elaboration of scum, less crude than scumbag. Also a rude term of address.) Get your hands off me, you pond scum!
See also: pond, scum
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • body of water
  • between wind and water
  • float through
  • float through (something)
  • in smooth water
  • in smooth water(s)
  • make water
  • by water
  • Adam's ale
  • ale
References in periodicals archive
With all due respect to the illustrious Halobacterium halobium (pond scum -- a postulated biological solution to the storage problem), whose day may come in time, escalating performance and falling prices for solid-state memory and magnetic disks mean that these technologies currently offer the most attractive possibilities.
The three (three!) sequels are basically pond scum. (Cert 15, 1999) ***
Markey "pond scum" over a campaign ad criticizing Mr.
It appeared to be a photomicrograph of some reddish bit of pond scum in a lovely, thin blue membrane, surrounded by a few dozen much smaller microorganisms.
Washington, Mar 26 ( ANI ): Microbes found in pond scum could be used to develop a new test detecting the cells that spread cancer through the bloodstream from the original tumour to new sites in the body.
Cyanobacteria have a multi-layer, burrito-like, protective set of outer membranes that help the bacteria thrive in even harsh surroundings, creating the pond scum often found in backyard swimming pools.To get the cyanobacteria to more easily release their precious, high fat cargo, Curtiss and postdoctoral researcher Xinyao Liu, placed a suite of genes into photosynthetic bacteria that were controlled by the simple addition of trace amounts of nickel to the growth media."Genetics is a very powerful tool," said Liu.
The whole debate has far-reaching implications for society, since our moral values can be shaped according to whether we believe we are made in the image of God and are accountable to him, or whether we are no more than a high form of pond scum.
hammocks, amethyst flowers, pond scum and weed so thick I start to think
is working with support from Boeing and Air New Zealand to develop an aviation biofuel made of wild algae derived from bacterial pond scum. The research is being conducted in secret, but the company in December displayed a Land Rover powered by its blend of 5% algae biofuel with 95% diesel.
He points out that for the first 80-percent of world history, life on earth was dominated by weird, F icky, sometimes toxic pond scum--then adds, "That's still the case today in a lotta places, only the pond scum wears Armani suits." I know of two times his life was saved by remembering Napoleon's quote, "Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake." In the here-and-now, he often stops me when my steam valve is about to blow, and gently, firmly reminds me, "Baby, we're writing our history today--How do you want it to read?" Every true redhead needs a John Connor around, I think.
If they are the children of plankton, descendants of eels and pond scum. They come to her as twins, triplets, and septuplets, whole alphabets swimming inside her.
Her philosophy is that if she has to 'sell a little pond scum' to get what she wants, then so be it - except that Ryan is much too nice.
One day you may tank up your car with gas from pond scum! Plant biologist Tasios Melis at the University of California in Berkeley, hopes to perfect a process to make the green slime churn out limitless, pollution-free hydrogen gas.
I count exactly one history book in Coulter's copious footnotes.) On MSNBC, Coulter would regularly refer to the President and First Lady as "pond scum" and "white trash" while wearing dresses that put one in mind of Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct.
Scientists from the University of Colorado discover in pond scum a protozoan that makes large amounts of telomerase; they decode the genetic structure and later find a matching sequence in human DNA.