life hack

life hack

A simple, resourceful, and often novel action that makes one's life easier or alleviates a problem or challenge. Painting my keys with different colors of nail polish was a great life hack—it's the only way I can tell my office key from my house key! A lot of what millennials call life hacks are actually just common sense.
See also: hack, life
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • for the life of
  • for the life of (one)
  • for the life of me
  • for the life of one
  • (open) confession is good for the soul
  • confession
  • confession is good for the soul
  • (one's) day in court
  • (from) top to toe
  • story of (one's) life
References in periodicals archive
The first of the [seven] 'life hacks' I learned at the Inquirer is: Stay humble.
You can listen to "Life Hacks - I've Been There: Jade Thirlwall & Anorexia" on BBC Sounds.
This edition has more emphasis on mindfulness, financial literacy, new presentation e-tools, and career planning; updated research; recent technologies; life hacks; a new case study design; a new feature on the relevance of chapter topics; and other changes.
Here, psychologist Anjula Mutanda explains why we can feel like we're burning out - and reveals some simple but useful life hacks to help cope.
Apart from the food industry, culinary torches are widely used as life hacks for varying purposes such as, the demand for which is burgeoning around the world.
The activity featured talks on disaster risk reduction by Central 911 chief Emmanuel Jaldon and demonstration of various life hacks and survival tips by Emergency Management Center Inc director Louie Domingo.
Some of us have adopted simple life hacks to improve our office life.
Some are innocuous such as life hacks and some trawl the vilest internet memes.
That's why Gardina says students have to learn their own "life hacks." She said her son's include watching movies, referring to study notes or listening to audio recordings of the literature he's assigned to read and using speech-to-text technology for writing.
The Good Housekeeping Institute has revealed that many commonly used "life hacks" are ineffective and can cause more problems.
luggage cart caddie caddy airport arrivals luggage - djedj , Pixabay CAIRO -- 18 September 2018: After traveling for nearly 14 years, I have gained extensive experience when it comes to dealing with airports, so I want to draw some attention to some life hacks that can make going through airport procedures much easier.
The readers are taken through a mix of commonplace wisdom and life hacks, amounting to limiting social networking hours, removing auto tags, going for physical activities, and spending quality time with children.
All teens can benefit from the tips and "life hacks" presented, although the book's colors and illustrations will likely attract more female readers.
There are a few things I didn't know before reading Yumi Sakugawa's The Little Book of Life Hacks (St.
10 Awesome School Life Hacks If you are still in school then this could probably be the most useful video you are watching today.